A Full Stack Music Streaming App using React.js, Node.js, Express, and MongoDB. This project replicates a basic version of Spotify, allowing users to stream music, browse songs, and albums, and an admin panel to manage songs and albums.
- Browse Music: Explore a wide range of songs and albums with search functionality.
- Play Music: Play, pause, skip songs, and view song details (e.g., artist, album).
- Admin Panel: Admin users can upload songs, album artwork, and manage the music catalog.
- Cloud Storage: All songs and images are stored in Cloudinary for efficient streaming and access.
- Responsive Design: The app is designed to work on both desktop and mobile devices.
Frontend: React.js, React Router, Redux (for state management), Axios (for API requests)
Backend: Node.js, Express.js
Database: MongoDB, Mongoose
Authentication: JWT (JSON Web Token), Bcrypt
Storage: Cloudinary (for storing images and audio files)
File Handling: Multer (for uploading files)
- Frontend: Vercel (for hosting the React app)
Sample preview of website is available here -- https://spotify-clone-46lty06cv-rithvijs-projects-cd5a446b.vercel.app/