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An AWS Lambda for emailing monthly totals to tagged resource owners


This lambda will query Cost Explorer for our Owner Email cost category, query Synapse for the members of Team Sage, and email a monthly total to internal Sage users who have been tagged as resource owners.


Parameter Name Allowed Values Default Value Description
ScheduleExpression EventBridge Schedule Expression cron(30 10 2 * ? *) Schedule for running the lambda
AdminEmail Any email address [email protected] Send a report on unowned costs to this address
SenderEmail Any email address [email protected] Value to use for the From email field
SkipRecipients Comma-delimited list of email addresses '' Never send emails to recipients in this list (recipient opt-out)
MinimumValue Floating-point number 1.0 Emails will not be sent for totals less than this amount
SynapseDomain Valid domain, prepended with @ Email domain used by Synapse
SynapseTeamId Synapse Team Id (numeric string) 273957 Only send emails to synapse users if they are a member of this Team
RestrictRecipients True or False False If True only send emails to recipients listed in ApprovedRecipients
ApprovedRecipients Comma-delimited list of email addresses '' If RestrictRecpipients is True, then only send emails to recipients in this list
CopyRecipients Comma-delimited list of email addresses '' CC this list of recipients on all emails


EventBridge schedule expression describing how often to run the lambda. By default it runs at 10:30am UTC on the 2nd of each month.


An administrative report summarizing unowned costs per account will be sent to this address.


This email address will appear is the From field, and must be verified before emails will successfully send.


A skip list of email addresses. Any recipient listed here will be skipped, useful for recipients who want to opt-out of notifications.


Don't send an email if the reported monthly total is less than this amount, by default $1.


The email domain used by Synapse. If an email recipient is at this domain, the recipient must also be a member of the listed Synapse team.


Only send notifications to Synapse users if they are also a member of this team. This only affects email addresses matching SynapseDomain.


Boolean value to toggle enforcing an ApprovedRecipients allow list of email recipients. Useful for testing.


An allow list of recipient addresses, any recipient not listed here will be skipped, only respected when RestrictRecipients is True. Does not override SkipRecipients. Useful for testing.


A list of email addresses to CC on all emails.


The lambda is configured to run on a schedule, by default at 10:30am UTC on the 2nd of each month. Ad-hoc runs for testing can be triggered with an empty test event from the Lambda console page



Contributions are welcome.

Setup Development Environment

Install the following applications:

Check in .travis.yml to see how they are installed for this repo.

Install Requirements

Run pipenv install --dev to install both production and development requirements, and pipenv shell to activate the virtual environment. For more information see the pipenv docs.

After activating the virtual environment, run pre-commit install to install the pre-commit git hook.

Update Requirements

First, make any needed updates to the base requirements in Pipfile, then use pipenv to regenerate both Pipfile.lock and requirements.txt.

$ pipenv update --dev

We use pipenv to control versions in testing, but sam relies on requirements.txt directly for building the lambda artifact, so we dynamically generate requirements.txt from Pipfile.lock before building the artifact. The file must be created in the CodeUri directory specified in template.yaml.

$ pipenv requirements > requirements.txt

Additionally, pre-commit manages its own requirements.

$ pre-commit autoupdate

Create a local build

Use a Lambda-like docker container to build the Lambda artifact

$ sam build --use-container

Run unit tests

Tests are defined in the tests folder in this project, and dependencies are managed with pipenv. Install the development dependencies and run the tests using coverage.

$ pipenv run coverage run -m pytest tests/ -svv

Automated testing will upload coverage results to Coveralls.

Run integration tests

Running integration tests requires docker

$ sam local invoke HelloWorldFunction --event events/event.json


Deploy Lambda to S3

Deployments are sent to the Sage cloudformation repository which requires permissions to upload to Sage bootstrap-awss3cloudformationbucket-19qromfd235z9 and essentials-awss3lambdaartifactsbucket-x29ftznj6pqw buckets.

sam package --template-file .aws-sam/build/template.yaml \
  --s3-bucket essentials-awss3lambdaartifactsbucket-x29ftznj6pqw \
  --output-template-file .aws-sam/build/lambda-template.yaml

aws s3 cp .aws-sam/build/lambda-template.yaml s3://bootstrap-awss3cloudformationbucket-19qromfd235z9/lambda-template/master/

Publish Lambda

Private access

Publishing the lambda makes it available in your AWS account. It will be accessible in the serverless application repository.

sam publish --template .aws-sam/build/lambda-template.yaml

Public access

Making the lambda publicly accessible makes it available in the global AWS serverless application repository

aws serverlessrepo put-application-policy \
  --application-id <lambda ARN> \
  --statements Principals=*,Actions=Deploy

Install Lambda into AWS

When using AWS Organizations, the lambda should be deployed once in the master account to aggregate all costs from the member accounts. Otherwise it must be deployed into each separate account, resulting in a separate email for each account total.


Create the following sceptre file config/prod/lambda-template.yaml

  type: http
  url: ""
stack_name: "lambda-template"
  OwnerEmail: "[email protected]"

Install the lambda using sceptre:

sceptre --var "profile=my-profile" --var "region=us-east-1" launch prod/lambda-template.yaml

AWS Console

Steps to deploy from AWS console.

  1. Login to AWS
  2. Access the serverless application repository -> Available Applications
  3. Select application to install
  4. Enter Application settings
  5. Click Deploy


We have setup our CI to automate a releases. To kick off the process just create a tag (i.e 0.0.1) and push to the repo. The tag must be the same number as the current version in template.yaml. Our CI will do the work of deploying and publishing the lambda.

Initial Deploy

Some manual verification and testing must be performed with the initial deploy.

Sender Email Verification

In order for SES to send emails, the sender address must be verified prior to the first run of the lambda.

Canary Email Verification

If the AWS Account is in the SES Sandbox, then recipient addresses will also need to be verified prior to the first run of the lambda.

Canary Run

Once the needed addresses have been verified, the lambda should be tested with a canary run, restricting output to a list of approved canary users by using the RestrictRecipients and ApprovedRecipients parameters.

  type: http
  url: ""
stack_name: "lambda-template"
  OwnerEmail: "[email protected]"
  RestrictRecipients: "True"
  ApprovedRecipients: "[email protected],[email protected]"

Exit SES Sandbox

Once the sender email address has been verified and a canary run has succeeded, the AWS account must be move out of the SES Sandbox.

Full Deploy

After moving the AWS account out of the SES Sandbox, redeploy the lambda without recipient restrictions and with any other needed parameters.

  type: http
  url: ""
stack_name: "lambda-template"
  OwnerEmail: "[email protected]"
  RestrictRecipients: "False"
  CopyRecipients: "[email protected]"


AWS Lambda to email resource owners with a monthly total of related resources







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