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Format some numbers

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A utility package to consistently format numbers as either currency, percentages, or decimals in a locale-specific way.


$ npm i @salesvista/format
// with babel
import format from '@salesvista/format'
// without babel
const format = require('@salesvista/format')


This package contains a single module. The main export is an object containing utility functions and helper constants. When you import/require this module, you can either keep the object reference (to have all functions available at the same namespace) or decompose into only the desired functions.

// all functions under one namespace
const format = require('@salesvista/format')
// or pick the functions you want
const { formatAs } = require('@salesvista/format')

The API documentation below assumes the former.


The following functions are listed in alphabetical order.

format.formatAs(value, valueType, opts)

Format a given number value into a locale-specific string, interpreted as the given type. Rounding may be applied, depending on the scenario.

value should be a number or string representing the value to format.

valueType should be one of:

  • format.CURRENCY to format value as currency
  • format.PERCENTAGE to format value as a percentage
  • format.UNIT to format value as volume (decimal)

The following opts are supported:

  • locale (string, default 'en'): a BCP 47 language tag
  • currency (string, default 'usd'): an ISO 4217 currency code
  • _terse (boolean, default false): pass true to override default decimal display for currency values that are integers
  • any property supported by the Intl.NumberFormat constructor, such as style, minimumFractionDigits, maximumFractionDigits, etc


format.formatAs(0, format.CURRENCY)
// => '$0.00'
format.formatAs(0, format.CURRENCY, format.terse())
// => '$0'
format.formatAs(12345.12345, format.CURRENCY)
// => '$12,345.12'
format.formatAs(12345.12345, format.CURRENCY, { locale: 'fr-FR', currency: 'eur' })
// => '12 345,12 €'
format.formatAs(0, format.PERCENTAGE)
// => '0%'
format.formatAs(25 / 12, format.PERCENTAGE)
// => '2.08%'

format.formatAttainmentPercentage(attainment, target, opts)

Calculate percentage attained and return as a formatted string in a locale-specific way.

attainment should be the actual value (number) attained for a given time period.

target should be the target value (number) representing the goal for the given time period.

The percentage will be calculated using format.toAttainmentPercentage(attainment, target, opts) and formatted using format.formatAs(percentage, format.PERCENTAGE, opts). See documentation for those functions.


format.formatAttainmentPercentage(5, 9)
// => '55.56%'
format.formatAttainmentPercentage(5, 9, { locale: 'fr-FR' })
// => '55,56 %'
format.formatAttainmentPercentage(25, 12)
// => '208.33%'
format.formatAttainmentPercentage(1, 0)
// => '100%'
format.formatAttainmentPercentage(0, 1)
// => '0%'


Returns a boolean representing if the value represents a number.


Returns a boolean representing if the given value type is valid/known to this library.


Returns the given value converted to a number via format.toNumber(value) and rounded to two decimal places.


Convenience function to apply a _terse: true option to the given opts object.

format.toAttainmentPercentage(attainment, target, opts)

Calculate percentage attained as (attainment / target) * 100, rounded to two decimal places by default, returned as a number.

attainment should be the actual value (number) attained for a given time period.

target should be the target value (number) representing the goal for the given time period.

The following opts are supported:

  • rounded (boolean, default true): pass false to skip rounding of the returned value


Convert the given value to a number, if possible. If not possible, returns null.


Helper function to trim whitespace off a string, used internally by format.isNumber(value).


After one or more PRs have been merged to master, you can cut a new release with the following commands:

# update local master branch
git checkout master && git pull origin master
# make sure tests pass
npm it
# bump version, update changelog, and create git tag
npm run release
# push release to github
git push -u --follow-tags origin master
# publish release to npm
npm publish --access public

Then you can update the version referenced by any apps/packages that use this as a dependency.


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