A command line Code Search tool in Rust
This Rust program is a simple code search tool designed to find a specified pattern within the content of files in a given directory. It provides a quick way to identify and display lines in those files that contain the specified search pattern.
Search a Directory:
- The tool takes a directory path and a search pattern as command-line arguments.
Iterate Over Files:
- It iterates over all the files in the specified directory.
Search Within Files:
- For each file, it opens the file and searches for lines containing the specified pattern.
Display Results:
- If a line in a file matches the search pattern, it prints the file path, line number, and the content of the matching line.
Use the following command to build the Rust executable:
cargo build
Run the Code Search Tool
Execute the tool by providing the directory path and the search pattern as command-line arguments:
./target/debug/CodeSeeker /path/to/your/codebase "your_search_pattern"
Path Format:
Ensure that the provided directory path is accurate and points to the directory you want to search.
Search Pattern:
Adjust the search pattern to match the specific text you are looking for in your codebase.
The tool will print lines in files that contain the specified pattern, along with file paths and line numbers.
###Expected Output
Upon running the tool, you should see output similar to the following:
Copy code
/path/to/your/codebase/file1.txt:42 - Line containing your_search_pattern
/path/to/your/codebase/file2.rs:7 - Another line with your_search_pattern
This code search tool is open-source and available under the MIT License.
Feel free to contribute