A simple python script to simplify and automate first time PowerShell configuration.
- Sets Execution Policy of LocalMachine to RemoteSigned in order to be able to execute scripts
- Installing Chocolatey package management
- Installing & configuring Git & hub
- Generating Ssh key and configuring Github
- Option to install in bulk any number of programs/tools
- python3
- PowerShell >= v3
Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/SentinelWarren/PowerShell-Config.py.git
Run the following command on PowerShell to set Downloading folder location and download the zip
Set-Location "to\the\downloads\folder";iwr -outf PowerShell-Config.py.zip https://github.com/Sent inelWarren/PowerShell-Config.py/archive/master.zip
Set-Location $env:USERPROFILE\Downloads;iwr -outf PowerShell-Config.py.zip https://github.com/Sent inelWarren/PowerShell-Config.py/archive/master.zip
cd "to\the\PowerShell-Config.py\src\"
i.e;cd "$env:USERPROFILE\Downloads\PowerShell-Config.py\src\"
python psconfig.py
To be added
- Open New Issue for a feature you want to add.
- When accepted, send PR and we will review and merge
NOTE: Its meant to simplify PowerShell first time setup on windows machine.