This repository consists of additional ansible playbooks for the following:
- Run e2e tests against an existing OCP4 cluster
- Deploy Common Services
- Run scale tests against an existing OCP4 cluster
- Expose OCP internal image registry
- Run alerts configuration
- Run migration and rollback of Container Network Interface (CNI) cluster network provider
- Run OVN-Kubernetes CNI Validation
- Run Global Secret Update
- Run etcd data encryption and decryption
- Run IBM Block storage CSI (Raw block)
- Run OCP ClusterLogForwarding Installation
- Go Lang Installation
- Run OCP Node Feature Discovery Operator Installation
- Run SBO installation and running smoke acceptance tests
- Configure HTPasswd Identity Provider
- Set custom catalog source
- Run Horizontal Pod Autoscaler installation and verification
- Jenkins installation and verification
- Vertical Pod Autoscaler installation, verification and e2e
- Setup persistent storage using hostPath
- PowerVC CSI driver installation and validation
- Setup persistent storage using iSCSI
- OC CLI-plug-ins automation testing
- Run cluster health check
- Run Compliance Operator installation and e2e
- Hypershift deployment on PowerVS
- Run File Integrity Operator and e2e
- Configure and test IPA identity provider
- Enable monitoring for user-defined projects
- Configure and test Request-Header identity provider
- Descheduler deployment and running e2e test
- Configure and run verification-tests
- Enabling Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) and run e2e
- Deploy Kubernetes NMState Operator and run e2e
- Enable pod disruption budget (pdb)
- Scheduler profile configuration and run e2e tests
- Cluster Resource Override Operator deployment and e2e test run
- A healthy OpenShift 4 cluster in running state.
Make use of sample file at examples/inventory
cp examples/inventory .
Run all playbooks at once or specific playbook as shown below.
To set up variables make use of the sample file at examples/all.yaml
. Modify the values as per your cluster.
cp examples/all.yaml .
Once you have configured the vars & inventory file, run the playbook using:
ansible-playbook -i inventory -e @all.yaml playbooks/main.yml
To set up variables for specific playbook make use of the sample file at examples/<playbook_vars.yaml>
. Modify the values as per your cluster. For more information refer to examples.
cp examples/<playbook_vars.yaml> .
Once you have configured the vars & inventory file, run the specific playbook using:
ansible-playbook -i inventory -e @<playbook_vars.yaml> playbooks/main.yml