" Myreco " is, as the name suggests, a study record application. It is an application for users to record and manage the contents and time of their studies.
Clone the project (for https).
git clone https://github.com/Shunii85/myreco
Move to the project directory
cd myreco
Set the required url and key for supabase as environment variables. For local development, create a '.env ' file in the project root directory and set the following environment variables.
Install dependencies.
npm install
Launch the application.
npm run dev
- When you start the application, a form for entering your study record will appear.
- Enter the content and time studied and click the "Register" button.
- The entered study record will be added to the list.
- Two buttons next to each study record allow deletion and editing.
- react
- typescript
- jest
- react testing library