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iPlaylist is a fully customizable web application where users can create their own playlists and contribute to the community playlist.
- A robust login system
- handles user authentication
- includes secure password encryption and decryption methods
- Front End
- Personalized Playlist:
- gives the user total control to customize a playlist in seconds
- comprised of search, save, and add buttons
- able to play and pause audio right within the app, not reliant on external windows
- can create tags related to a song based on genre, vibes, mood etc...
- Community Playlist:
- allows users to see what everyone else likes and dislikes based on our voting feature
- also includes play and pause audio functions
- enables the use of *tags which can be searched for later in the future
- Back End
- Sequelize
- used for our database model
- handles all of our CRUD methods
- gets updated on every search, vote, save, add, delete to create a better user experience
- Express
- handles all of our http requests and responses
- backbone of our api and html routing
- utilized the deezer api to randomize song selection
- Handlebars
- templating framework used in both community and personal html
- used for dynamically building our layout
- Select new or existing user:
- Login with username and password (make sure to check remember me!)
- Navigate to the personal or community page based on your preference
- Personal - if you'd like to create your own playlist
- Commmunity - if you'd like to view other peoples songs
Thank you for viewing our code, all feedback, comments, and questions are welcome!