Releases: SpectralPOD/spod_matlab
Releases · SpectralPOD/spod_matlab
adaptive sine-taper SPOD
adaptive sine-taper SPOD code incl. example and new dataset
tcoeffs and reconstruction from local coefficients
- scaling issue in tcoeffs resolved
- example 7 contains code to reconstruct from continuously-discrete temporal expansion coefficients (requested but does not make sense for most applications; use invspod instead)
tcoeffs update
- tcoeffs updated to new way of (not) handling FFT symmetry in spod.m
Multitaper estimates and inverse SPOD
- [L,P,F,Lc,A] = SPOD(...) returns the block-wise expansion coefficients in A
- Multitaper-Welch estimates can now be computed with the syntax SPOD(X,[NFFT BW],...)
- INVSPOD(P,A,WINDOW,NOVLP) uses A to reconstruct the original data from the SPOD
- example_8_invspod.m demonstrates Band-pass filtering using (inverse) SPOD
- example_9_multitaperWelch demonstrates SPOD using Multitaper-Welch estimators
- plus some minor cosmetic changes