Releases: SpeedyWeather/SpeedyWeather.jl
Releases · SpeedyWeather/SpeedyWeather.jl
SpeedyWeather v0.14.0
Breaking changes
- Precipitation is not outputted anymore by default, use
add!(model, SpeedyWeather.PrecipitationOutput()...)
now - Coordinates defined in degrees lond, latd, not colat, lon #647
Merged pull requests:
- Add tracer advection (#579) (@milankl)
- Change timestep to 40min at T31 (#623) (@milankl)
- NBandRadiation scheme for longwave outgoing (#633) (@milankl)
- Number format flexibility with set! (#634) (@rocroc2017)
- Forcing/drag for primitive models too (#635) (@milankl)
- Roll back GPUArrays upgrade (#636) (@maximilian-gelbrecht)
- RingGrinds more general indexing with Colon (less escapes) (#637) (@maximilian-gelbrecht)
- Spectral Gradients Gradients (#638) (@maximilian-gelbrecht)
- ConvectiveHeating implemented (#639) (@milankl)
- GPU CI Pipeline (#645) (@maximilian-gelbrecht)
- Dummy Buildkite Pipeline (#646) (@maximilian-gelbrecht)
- Grid coordinates defined in degrees not colatitudes and radians (#647) (@milankl)
- Clamp in ZonalWind to [0, 1] for sqrt (#649) (@milankl)
for time step (#650) (@milankl)- CI Extended Tests on 1.10 as well (#651) (@maximilian-gelbrecht)
- Group initialize!, timestep!, finalize! of main time loop (#652) (@milankl)
- New output variables definition simplified (#653) (@milankl)
- bug: south pole at -90 for vertices (#654) (@milankl)
- NetCDF output for tracers, precipitation rates at initialize! again (#657) (@milankl)
- First timesteps in main loop (#659) (@milankl)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for Makie in [weakdeps] to 0.22, (keep existing compat) (#663) (@github-actions[bot])
- Prescribed surface heat and evaporative fluxes (#664) (@milankl)
- AbstractVectors in interpolation.jl (#665) (@milankl)
- Initialize simulation restructured (#666) (@milankl)
- Surface fluxes modular on ocean and land (#667) (@milankl)
- [LowerTriangularMatrices] Sum for LTA (#668) (@maximilian-gelbrecht)
- Precipitation rate for coupling (#669) (@milankl)
- Bump to v0.14 (#670) (@milankl)
Closed issues:
- Design choices towards stochastic parameterizations (#199)
- Modified dynamics (#507)
- arbitrary tracer support (#564)
- Implement
as model component (#567) - Profiling of timestep (#594)
- Differentiability of Spatial Gradients (#598)
- How to use SpeedyWeather to diagnose model run instability caused by initial conditions. (#643)
- Issue with Model Execution When trunc is Greater Than or Equal to 600 (#644)
SpeedyWeather v0.13.0
Merged pull requests:
- SpeedyTransforms: Differentiable transforms via custom Enzyme rule (#589) (@maximilian-gelbrecht)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for GPUArrays to 11 and JLArrays to 0.2, (keep existing compat) (#590) (@github-actions[bot])
- Rossby-Haurwitz wave initial conditions for eta (#604) (@rivwgk)
- Optical depth parameterization + array-agnostic ColumnVariables (#606) (@milankl)
- large-scale condensation at <100% (#609) (@minqi6)
- Slab ocean and net surface and top-of-atmosphere fluxes (#613) (@milankl)
- Include large-scale condensation tests (#615) (@milankl)
- Power spectrum for n-dimensional LowerTriangularArray (#618) (@milankl)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for FiniteDifferences in [weakdeps] at version 0.12, (keep existing compat) (#620) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for Enzyme in [weakdeps] at version 0.13, (keep existing compat) (#622) (@github-actions[bot])
- One band longwave radiation implemented (#624) (@milankl)
- [SpeedyTransforms] Restrict finite difference tests to one grid only (#625) (@maximilian-gelbrecht)
- [SpeedyTransforms] Exclude second differentiation identity test for OctahedralGrid (#627) (@maximilian-gelbrecht)
- Introduce separate extended tests in CI (#628) (@maximilian-gelbrecht)
- AbstractStochasticPhysics and SPPT (#629) (@milankl)
- AbstractSurfacePerturbation (#631) (@milankl)
- bump to v0.13 (#632) (@milankl)
Closed issues:
SpeedyWeather v0.12.1
Merged pull requests:
- GeoMakie extension and interactive 3D grid visualisation on the sphere (#600) (@milankl)
- Array-agnostic horizontal diffusion, +modularised (#601) (@milankl)
- Define
for any AbstractGridArray (#603) (@milankl) - Update with dataviz (#608) (@milankl)
- set! for boundary conditions (#611) (@milankl)
- ConstantLandTemperature implemented (#612) (@milankl)
Closed issues:
SpeedyWeather v0.12.0
Merged pull requests:
- Feedback.verbose coupled to isinteractive() (#582) (@milankl)
- Array-agnostic SpectralTransform (#583) (@milankl)
- Stop supporting Julia 1.9 (#585) (@milankl)
- Move CUDA to extension (#586) (@milankl)
- Do not interweave transform (#587) (@milankl)
- Add Haversine and general
functionality (#588) (@treigerm) - Rossby-Haurwitz wave initial conditions +docs (#591) (@milankl)
- SpectralAR1Process and AbstractRandomProcess (#592) (@milankl)
- Model constructors with positional SpectralGrid argument (#593) (@milankl)
- Introduce
; smaller, faster but less accurate (#595) (@milankl) - NetCDF output: Precipitation accumulated and rate (#596) (@milankl)
- Bump to v0.12 (#597) (@milankl)
Closed issues:
SpeedyWeather v0.11.0
Merged pull requests:
- Restructured dynamical core, variables array-agnostic and 3-dimensional, modular netCDF output (#525) (@milankl)
- Change LowerTriangularArrays to be subtype of AbstractArray{T,N-1} (#543) (@maximilian-gelbrecht)
- JOSS paper citation (#548) (@navidcy)
- Bump actions/upload-artifact from 1 to 4 (#550) (@dependabot[bot])
- Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 (#551) (@dependabot[bot])
- Bump stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action from 4 to 5 (#552) (@dependabot[bot])
- All parameterizations at prev timestep, flux limiters removed (#555) (@milankl)
- Create (#559) (@milankl)
- LTA: copyto! for Vectors (#561) (@maximilian-gelbrecht)
- LTA: colon indexing for LTM (#562) (@maximilian-gelbrecht)
- Set! function for PrognosticVariables and ICs for new structure (#563) (@maximilian-gelbrecht)
- New 4D Variable Structure: nlayers instead of nlev; starting to adjust docs (#566) (@maximilian-gelbrecht)
- Fix RingGrid broadcast issue with mismatching dimensions (#568) (@maximilian-gelbrecht)
- RingGrids: Fix RingGrids Array conversion (#572) (@maximilian-gelbrecht)
- NetCDF output modularised (#573) (@milankl)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for JLD2 to 0.5, (keep existing compat) (#574) (@github-actions[bot])
- Benchmarks for individual dynamics functions (#577) (@maximilian-gelbrecht)
- set! for orography (#578) (@milankl)
- Set! documentation / keywords (#580) (@maximilian-gelbrecht)
Closed issues:
SpeedyWeather v0.10.0
Merged pull requests:
- JOSS paper (#387) (@milankl)
- Scheduler for callbacks (#488) (@milankl)
- Zenodo DOI added (#489) (@milankl)
- Schedule bug with millisecond time steps (#490) (@milankl)
- Update with particle advection video (#491) (@milankl)
- Field trees (#492) (@milankl)
- Export
, unscale diagnostics at finish, add! callbacks directly to model too (#494) (@milankl) - Trees with summarysize (#495) (@milankl)
- ConstantOceanClimatology, AquaPlanet (#496) (@milankl)
- Document typical online analysis steps (#497) (@milankl)
- Convection with work arrays for thread safety (#498) (@milankl)
- Bulk Richardson-based vertical diffusion (#499) (@milankl)
- LowerTriangularMatrix copyto! range bug (#501) (@milankl)
- Jeevanjee longwave radiation (#502) (@milankl)
- LowerTriangularMatrices: N-dimensional and GPU ready (#503) (@maximilian-gelbrecht)
- Add to analysis doc (from new branch) (#505) (@milankl)
- Broadcasting for RingGrids (#506) (@milankl)
- Benchmark overview (#509) (@milankl)
- Large-scale condensation documented (#510) (@milankl)
- Add Makie extension (#511) (@milankl)
- Convection documentation (#512) (@milankl)
- Radiation documentation (#513) (@milankl)
- Held-Suarez example, NoTypes for surface fluxes (#514) (@milankl)
- Bump julia-actions/setup-julia from 1 to 2 (#516) (@dependabot[bot])
- Remove PythonPlot dependency of docs (#517) (@milankl)
- Model construction without type constraints (#519) (@milankl)
- AbstractGridArray N-dimensional and GPU ready (#520) (@milankl)
- Exports more gradient operators from SpeedyTransforms (#523) (@milankl)
- Change weight in ZonalJet() (#524) (@miniufo)
- Orography documented (#526) (@milankl)
- Particle advection time stepping corrected (#528) (@milankl)
- Humidity video for readme (#529) (@milankl)
- Surface flux documentation (#530) (@milankl)
- Add explicit arithmetics again to LowerTriangularArrays (#531) (@maximilian-gelbrecht)
- Vertical diffusion documentation (#532) (@milankl)
- Ocean model documentation (#533) (@milankl)
- Parameterization structure documented (#534) (@milankl)
- Bump Makie compat (#535) (@asinghvi17)
- Docs clarification: Parameterization for primitive models only (#536) (@milankl)
- Restructure docs following #443 (#537) (@milankl)
- Scale orography and smooth fraction of resolved wavenumbers (#538) (@milankl)
- StochasticStirring example with CairoMakie (#539) (@milankl)
- Horizontal diffusion not adaptive (#540) (@milankl)
- Large-scale condensation at previous time step (#541) (@milankl)
- Surface fluxes calculated from previous time step (#542) (@milankl)
- bump to v0.10 (#545) (@milankl)
Closed issues:
- Physical parameterizations: inconsistencies between speedy.f90 and the Speedy Documentation (#126)
- Progress towards primitive equations (#192)
- Divergence of (hu, hv, h) (#372)
- Initial conditions from PDEArena (#377)
- Conserved quantity verifying (#400)
- shallow-water case for a global ocean (#412)
- [JOSS review] Nat's Review of SpeedyWeather.jl (#443)
- [JOSS Review] questions + suggestions (#446)
- [JOSS review] Zenodo archival (#448)
- Another simple radiation scheme (#456)
- Automatic performance testing (#464)
- JOSS review: text comments (#480)
- Replace
with a Julia-based plotting library in Docs (#482) - Verifying conserved quantities (#500)
- PrimitiveDry and WetModel generation on Julia v1.9 hangs (#508)
- The PrimitiveWetModel example fails (#515)
- unbalanced initial condition for Galewsky Jet (#518)
- Time stepping of particle tracking (#527)
SpeedyWeather v0.9.0
Merged pull requests:
- Solar zenith angle calculation (#438) (@milankl)
- ImmediateCondensation and Clausius-Clapeyron (#439) (@milankl)
- Flux limiters for surface drag and heat fluxes (#440) (@milankl)
- Bulk Richardson number-based boundary layer drag (#441) (@milankl)
- Simplified BettsMiller convection (#442) (@milankl)
- Simple radiation schemes: UniformCooling, TransparentShortwave (#444) (@milankl)
- ImplicitCondensation not immediate anymore (#447) (@milankl)
- AquaPlanetMask (#450) (@milankl)
- Use
functionality to display docstring in Documentation (#451) (@navidcy) - Run LowerTriangularMatrix and output examples while building the docs (#453) (@navidcy)
- Some more examples running live in the Docs (#454) (@navidcy)
- Callbacks (#455) (@milankl)
- Restructuring the docs (#457) (@milankl)
- Collapse levels to streamline the documentation navigation (#458) (@natgeo-wong)
- Parametric models, non-parametric abstract types, remove DynamicsConstants, Dict of callbacks (#459) (@milankl)
- Particle advection in 2D, all models (#465) (@milankl)
- Dry Betts-Miller convection (#467) (@milankl)
- Add dependabot (#468) (@milankl)
- Initial conditions modular for variables (#469) (@milankl)
- Remove DEFAULT_NF generators of Earth and EarthAtmosphere (#470) (@milankl)
- Bump actions/cache from 3 to 4 (#471) (@dependabot[bot])
- Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 (#472) (@dependabot[bot])
- Add space after comma (#473) (@navidcy)
- Change arg name for
to agree w docstring (#474) (@navidcy) - Fix the Docs/SpeedyTransforms/Geostrophy example + make it run live by doc built (#475) (@navidcy)
- Remove testing for 1.8 and 1.9 temporarily (#476) (@milankl)
- Add space after semicolon (#477) (@navidcy)
- Delete deprecated doc instructions (#479) (@navidcy)
- Add
s for model pages + add links to models pages in Docs landing page (#481) (@navidcy) - ParticleTracker with netCDF (#484) (@milankl)
- rand(Particle) cos-distribution corrected (#485) (@milankl)
- Update (#486) (@milankl)
- Bump to v0.9 (#487) (@milankl)
Closed issues:
SpeedyWeather v0.8.0
Merged pull requests:
- Make prognostics available for forcing, drag in Barotropic/SWM (#423) (@milankl)
- Stochastic stirring video (#424) (@milankl)
- Add random wave video (#425) (@milankl)
- Export forcing!, drag!, etc for extending those with fewer conflicts (#426) (@milankl)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for Adapt to 4, (keep existing compat) (#427) (@milankl)
- Use Julia v1.10 for CI and building Docs (#428) (@navidcy)
- Add compat entry for NCDatasets v0.14 (#429) (@navidcy)
- Adjust time step with radius (#430) (@milankl)
- Add remark about Julia compat (#431) (@navidcy)
- Switch off dynamics (#432) (@milankl)
- Vertical diffusion of humidity (#433) (@milankl)
- NoBoundaryLayer but TemperatureRelaxation default for dry & wet models (#435) (@milankl)
- bump to v0.8 (#437) (@milankl)
Closed issues:
- Literated example with the animation that is currently in
? (#297) - Global shallow-water run (#323)
- Hybrid vertical coordinates (#329)
- What constitutes the 'state' of the model at a particular timestep (#347)
- SpeedyWeather's logic and information flow (#350)
- Zanna & Bolton eddy parameterization (#402)
SpeedyWeather v0.7.0
Merged pull requests:
- Forcing and drag for the ShallowWaterModel (#376) (@milankl)
- eta/pres was not output (#378) (@milankl)
- RandomWaves initial conditions (#379) (@milankl)
- scale_coslat funcs without Geometry, moved to RingGrids (#381) (@milankl)
- Set lmax+1 row to zero in divergence!, curl! (#383) (@milankl)
- Output via NCDatasets.jl, remove NetCDF.jl deps (#384) (@milankl)
- Pretty printing for structs (#385) (@milankl)
- Model setups documented (#386) (@milankl)
- Land-sea mask (#389) (@milankl)
- Bug: First NetCDF time step is always 2000-01-01 (#390) (@milankl)
- Coriolis and div,curl,laplace convience functions (#392) (@milankl)
- Accumulate vor/div tendencies (#393) (@milankl)
- Ocean/Land for prognostic variables added (#395) (@milankl)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for CUDA to 5, (keep existing compat) (#396) (@milankl)
- Documentation: Extending SpeedyWeather.jl (#397) (@milankl)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for FastGaussQuadrature to 1, (keep existin… (#398) (@milankl)
- Surface fluxes of heat, moisture and momentum: Land and ocean seasonal climatology (#399) (@milankl)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for NCDatasets to 0.13, (keep existing compat) (#401) (@milankl)
- Soil moisture and vegetation (#403) (@milankl)
- Overhauled initial conditions for humidity (#404) (@milankl)
- Output cloud top [Pa], condensation simplified (#405) (@milankl)
- NetCDF output with BFloat16 (#407) (@milankl)
- plot(::LowerTriangularMatrix) (#408) (@milankl)
- Simplify default vertical coordinate spacing to equi-distant with sigma (#409) (@milankl)
- Convection (#414) (@milankl)
- Fix load_trajectory (#415) (@maximilian-gelbrecht)
- Output_dt in leapfrog time stepping and some adjustments for using Dates (#418) (@maximilian-gelbrecht)
- Bump to v0.7 (#419) (@milankl)
Closed issues:
- References for the dynamical core (#45)
- Use logging infrastructure for feedback messages (#68)
- Number format-flexibility (#137)
- Forcing and climatology in the shallow water system (#151)
- Liniting (#220)
- 16 bit model (#375)
- divergence! should set last row to zero (#382)
- plotting error with Float32sr spectralgrid! (#388)
- Shallow water run (#391)
- Barotropic vorticity model: Stochastic stirring (#394)
- run BarotropicModel T21 with BFloat16 and output (#406)
- low precision stochastic rounding (#411)
- Output time axis: option to adhere to output_dt exactly (#416)