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The C# client for KoboldCpp.


  • Complete support for KoboldCpp's native API
  • Streaming text generation
  • Built-in error handling and logging
  • Cross-platform compatibility
  • Full async/await support
  • Support for Stable Diffusion image generation
  • Support for Whisper audio transcription
  • Support for WebSearch integration
  • Support for multiplayer features

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Install via NuGet:

dotnet add package SpongeEngine.KoboldSharp

Quick Start

Basic Usage

using SpongeEngine.KoboldSharp;

// Configure the client
var options = new KoboldSharpClientOptions
    HttpClient = new HttpClient
        BaseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:5001")
    // Optional client-side settings
    MultiplayerEnabled = false,
    WebSearchEnabled = false

// Create client instance
using var client = new KoboldSharpClient(options);

// Generate completion
var request = new KoboldSharpRequest
    Prompt = "Write a short story about a robot:",
    MaxLength = 200,
    Temperature = 0.7f,
    TopP = 0.9f

var response = await client.GenerateAsync(request);

// Stream completion
await foreach (var token in client.GenerateStreamAsync(request))


Client Options

var options = new KoboldSharpClientOptions
    // Base configuration
    HttpClient = new HttpClient
        BaseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:5001")
    JsonSerializerOptions = new JsonSerializerOptions(), // Optional JSON settings
    Logger = loggerInstance,                             // Optional ILogger
    // Optional features
    MultiplayerEnabled = false,           // Enable multiplayer support
    WebSearchEnabled = false,             // Enable web search integration
    // Stable Diffusion settings (if using image generation)
    StableDiffusionModelPath = "path/to/model.safetensors",
    StableDiffusionVaePath = "path/to/vae.safetensors",
    StableDiffusionUseQuantization = false,
    StableDiffusionMaxResolution = 512,
    StableDiffusionThreads = -1,

Generation Parameters

var request = new KoboldSharpRequest
    // Basic Parameters
    Prompt = "Your prompt here",
    MaxLength = 200,                     // Maximum tokens to generate
    MaxContextLength = 2048,             // Maximum context length
    Temperature = 0.7f,                  // Randomness (0.0-1.0)
    // Sampling Parameters
    TopP = 0.9f,                        // Nucleus sampling threshold
    TopK = 40,                          // Top-K sampling
    TopA = 0.0f,                        // Top-A sampling
    MinP = 0.0f,                        // Minimum P sampling
    Typical = 1.0f,                     // Typical sampling
    Tfs = 1.0f,                         // Tail-free sampling
    // Repetition Control
    RepetitionPenalty = 1.1f,           // Base repetition penalty
    RepetitionPenaltyRange = 320,       // How far back to apply penalty
    RepetitionPenaltySlope = 1.0f,      // Penalty application slope
    PresencePenalty = 0.0f,             // Presence penalty
    // Mirostat Parameters
    MirostatMode = 0,                   // Mirostat sampling mode (0, 1, 2)
    MirostatTau = 5.0f,                 // Target entropy
    MirostatEta = 0.1f,                 // Learning rate

    // Advanced Control
    Seed = -1,                          // RNG seed (-1 for random)
    StopSequences = new List<string>(),  // Stop generation sequences
    Stream = false,                      // Enable streaming
    TrimStop = true,                    // Trim stop sequences
    Grammar = null,                     // Optional grammar constraints
    GrammarRetainState = false,         // Retain grammar state
    Memory = null,                      // Optional context memory
    BannedTokens = null,                // Tokens to never generate
    LogitBias = null,                   // Token generation biases
    // Special Features
    Images = null,                      // Images for multimodal models
    AllowEosToken = true,               // Allow end of sequence token
    BypassEosToken = false,             // Bypass EOS token
    RenderSpecial = false,              // Render special tokens
    // Dynamic Temperature
    DynamicTemperatureRange = 0.0f,     // Dynamic temperature range
    DynamicTemperatureExponent = 1.0f,  // Dynamic temperature exponent
    SmoothingFactor = 0.0f              // Output smoothing factor

Additional Features

Image Generation with Stable Diffusion

// Text to image
var txt2imgRequest = new StableDiffusionGenerationRequest
    Prompt = "A beautiful mountain landscape",
    NegativePrompt = "blur, haze",
    Width = 512,
    Height = 512,
    Steps = 20,
    CfgScale = 7.0f,
    SamplerName = "euler_a"

var txt2imgResponse = await client.TextToImageAsync(txt2imgRequest);

// Image to image
var img2imgRequest = new StableDiffusionImageToImageRequest
    InitImages = new List<string> { Convert.ToBase64String(File.ReadAllBytes("input.png")) },
    Prompt = "Convert to oil painting",
    DenoisingStrength = 0.75f

var img2imgResponse = await client.ImageToImageAsync(img2imgRequest);

Audio Transcription with Whisper

var transcribeRequest = new WhisperRequest
    AudioData = Convert.ToBase64String(File.ReadAllBytes("audio.mp3")),
    Prompt = "Optional transcription prompt",
    SuppressNonSpeech = true

var transcription = await client.TranscribeAudioAsync(transcribeRequest);

Error Handling

    var response = await client.GenerateAsync(request);
catch (LlmSharpException ex)
    Console.WriteLine($"Generation error: {ex.Message}");
    if (ex.StatusCode.HasValue)
        Console.WriteLine($"Status code: {ex.StatusCode}");
    if (ex.ResponseContent != null)
        Console.WriteLine($"Response content: {ex.ResponseContent}");


The client supports Microsoft.Extensions.Logging:

ILogger logger = LoggerFactory
    .Create(builder => builder

var options = new KoboldSharpClientOptions
    HttpClient = new HttpClient
        BaseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:5001")
    Logger = logger
var client = new KoboldSharpClient(options);


To run the tests:

dotnet test

Configure test environment:

export KOBOLDCPP_BASE_URL="http://localhost:5001"


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.


For issues and feature requests, please use the GitHub issues page.