Mylan is a VTES tournament organization helper, covering registration both beforehand and on site, and generating input for Archon when all players are registered. Actual tournament score tracking is done via Archon as normal, this app is intended for generating the initial filled-in Archon spreadsheet as easily as possible.
This was originally a specialized one-off app for managing EC2020 registration and tournaments, but is now being changed into a more general tool. Access control is currently a single username + password pair, all tournament judges will use the same access credentials. I may add proper user accounts later, we'll see.
I don't expect other people to find much use for this source code at the moment, but in case you want to try it out for whatever reason, read on.
Built with Rails 7, with support for local development with Docker Compose (with mysql also running in Docker) and production deploy with Capistrano. Default development database data is stored in a named Docker data volume, app code is mounted from current dir for easy development.
"bundle install; yarn install"
Run "make build", this will build & load the Docker images.
Run "docker compose up", this should start up the web and db containers. Mariadb will create a new empty database on first run.
Once Docker Compose has started up everything, run "make dbroot" and then run the following SQL (this sets up according to development credentials as shown in step 1).
CREATE USER mylan@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'mylan';
GRANT ALL ON *.* TO mylan@'%';
Run "make migrate". If everything is set up correctly, this should connect to the web container and run "rake db:migrate" there, connecting to the database in the "db" container.
Shut down the docker compose instance.
Run "./bin/dev". This (re)starts docker compose along with on-the-fly compilation of CSS and Javascript when those change.
Connect to localhost:3000, where you should see the app login screen. Type in login credentials (see below), and you should see the main overview tab.
To see credentials, run "rails credentials:edit --environment development". This will display the development credentials settings, because here we actually include the secret key (config/credentials/development.key) in source control. All those credentials are for private sandboxed Docker development environment, so it is more convenient this way. Keep this editor window open for reference.
If you want to deploy to production, you'll need to set up production credentials. Remove config/credentials/production.yml.enc and run "rails credentials:edit --environment production". This will produce a new credentials file, with newly generated secret key base. Copy over the configuration from the development configuration (except secret_key_base), and change credentials to something suitable for production. You can skip this step if only running in development mode. Production deployment setup via Capistrano is included in the source, but I am not going to be documenting that here.
This app, like most, is a work in progress. Things I may implement/change when I have time include:
- support for actual user accounts (and possibly user groups), instead of just one shared "admin" account.
- move away from Rails credential storage to .env (more convenient in most situations imho)
- figure out a production setup with docker (compose), Capistrano can be a bit fragile
- update to latest Rails (7.1.x as of this writing)
- add some Capybara tests for the UI (yes, this should have been in at the beginning, but wasn't due to the original use case and timetable)
- add button to (re)send registration email to a player (on tournament player list view)