Package to take a raw chat message from the StreamMe web socket and parse it into an object with all necessary information stored.
To initialize it, you need a room ID, which can be created with the syntax of
After that, you can set it up with something similar to below:
const getParser = require('@streammedev/parse-message');
getParser(roomId, function (err, parseMessage) {
// The data passed is a message from the web socket without the nameSpace and ResultType
// sliced off. See tests for example of raw message.
const message = parseMessage(data);
The parseMessage
function takes the raw data from a chat on StreamMe and returns an object
similar to the one listed below.
{ appSlug: 'web',
avatar: '',
badges: [ [Object] ],
color: '#913D88',
role: 'owner',
slug: 'cc1',
userPublicID: 'a4001b62-46a4-4f12-9368-238de75af9d8',
username: 'cc1'
emoticons: [],
id: '1526499854203288168',
links: [],
mentions: [],
message: 'Hello World!',
originalRoom: null,
tags: [],
theme: null,
timestamp: 1526499854,
version: 'v2',
_index: {}