I am passionate about technology and Security and the role it plays in enabling businesses to achieve their goals. I am excited to continue to grow my career in the field of Cloud and Security Engineer and look forward to contributing to the success of future projects and teams.
I made this project as it my first project in github just for fun, it allows me demonstrate my technical skill in cloud computing. Very soon I am going to upload several projects that will help me strengthen my ability of doing the right things at the right time.
Skills and Experience: 🏗️ I’m currently working on AWS Cloud, Cyber Security and Appiled Ethical Hacking to gain experience in Cloud Security engineer. 👯 I’m looking to collaborate and contribute on Cloud and Cyber Security projects ######################################################################################################
Recently i have completed a project named "Fortune-Teller application" Which provides some beautiful fortunes when we refresh the page.. This is the link FORTUNE-TELLER application which is created on the AWS cloud by using some of the AWS services like AWS API Gateway, AWS Lambda services by using HTTP REQUEST we are accessing the FORTUNE-TELLER (It has an limited free access only.So, use it wisely)