A modern, responsive portfolio website showcasing my journey as a Cybersecurity Analyst & Cloud Security Specialist. Built with React, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS, featuring a sleek dark theme and interactive animations.
- Responsive Design: Seamless experience across all devices
- Interactive UI: Smooth animations and transitions using Framer Motion
- Dark Theme: Modern dark mode interface with accent colors
- Dynamic Projects: Real-time GitHub repository integration
- Contact Form: Integrated EmailJS for direct communication
- Live Background: Animated particle system background
- React.js + TypeScript
- Tailwind CSS
- Framer Motion
- EmailJS
- Lucide Icons
- About: Educational background and professional experience
- Skills: Technical expertise and certifications
- Projects: Showcase of recent GitHub projects
- Contact: Direct communication channel
- Cybersecurity Analysis
- AWS Cloud Security
- Docker & Container Security
- Python Development
- Web Application Security
- B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering (IOT and Cyber Security Including Blockchain Technology) (2022-2025)
- Diploma in Computer Science and Engineering (2015-2022)
- Email: [email protected]
- LinkedIn: sujeethkumararjun
- GitHub: Sujeeth-infosec
Visit the live portfolio: Portfolio Website
Developed with ❤️ by Sujeeth Kumar