This project aims to provide a simple way to create text art by converting black and white images into braille patterns. It is very efficient, but some improvements like parallelizing the character generation are possible.
For images use ./braile -i image.png (it only works with jpegs and pngs)
For videos use ./braile -v frame_folder -f fps (the folder must contain only images and they must be in order. The fps value can handle non integers like 29.97)
The -a flag is used to set an audio file. It can only be used in -v format, and must be used with the -d flag to set a delay in ms to sync audio and video
The -t flag is used to set a threshold from 0 to 255 and customize contrast. The default is 127.
The mod file can handle the compilation, so type go build . braile
To test with a simple image, we will use this Komi-san image, already optimized for generation. The program will work with any image with any size, but pre processing them makes the result better.
Now we can see the result after running the program:
Click here to see the text file
The image will be inverted if you use light mode