There's a Makefile
included with the following targets:
-- Calls firstsetup
and thenbuild
-- Set up everything: install ghc and dependencies. (Needsstack
-- Build the server and the client.server-start
-- Callsbuild
and then starts the server. Open http://localhost:3000/ in your Browser. Requests sent to this server will trigger a recompilation (via make) of the client code (if its changed).
JSON Message from Server to Client after two game moves. Last move comes first, thats fp style (Head of the List).
"cards": ["Eel", "Rabbit", "Tiger", "Rooster", "Horse"],
"history": [
{ "color": "Black", "card": "Rooster", "from": [1, 4], "move": [-1, -1] },
{ "color": "White", "card": "Eel", "from": [2, 0], "move": [-1, 1] }
JSON Message from Client to server after third game move.
The Game logic is implemented entirely on the client side only. So there's no checking for cheating on the server side currently! This is on purpose because I want to use it for demonstration.
Feel free to play the older non-multiplayer version here since it doesn't want you to setup a backend server.
The Server is my first haskell project. So don't expect very much. I still do not understand monads ;)
You can easily test the API with some simple curl commands.
New Game:
curl -X POST http://localhost:3000/game -w "\n"
Get all Game Ids:
curl http://localhost:3000/game -w "\n"
Join Game
curl -X PUT http://localhost:3000/game/1?name=Wendy -w "\n"
Get Game with Id 1
curl http://localhost:3000/game/1 -w "\n"
Post new GameMove to Game 1
curl -X POST -d '{"color": "White","card": "Ox","from": [3,0],"move": [0,1]}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:3000/game/1 -w "\n"
In the order in which I would like to tackle them.
- GetGame with UUID in the URL should work to
- The Server should check the player names on NewMove
- Authetification by player name using sessions
- Implement http polling temporarily.
- GetGames should also return all playernames with gameids.
- The common card should determine, which player starts the game.
- Check for checkmate!
- JSON for GameMove is to verbose. Simplyfy it to something like
- Use WebSocket to get new moves without the need to do http polling.
- Implement Chat feature
- Add support for the Cards from the Senseis Path explansion.
Thanks to