All Code is available
- Add Dockerfile:
- Add the docker-compose.yaml
Build the Docker Image
docker-compose build
Run the image using docker-compose
docker-compose up -d
Open Browser to localhost:3000
App works great
Open the within the FreeCad Gui
File>Open>/app/py_scripts> (Defined in docker compose)
- Run the Code in the FreeCad Gui
- Box object is made
And auto exported/downloaded as a box.step file in /py_scripts
Python works Great!
(If Needed) shutdown container - docker compose down
- Delete the box.step file so we know if the python script was ran again.
- Docker Exec into the running container
docker exec -it freecad bash
- cd into the py_scripts directory
- Open the freecadcmd cli to make sure it works
This is due to Python environment variables…
The Purpose of doing it from the command line is to automate the creation of the object defined by parameters/database so a backend can parametrically make parts. The gui will only be used for testing.