Notes Management System is developed using MERN Stack to maintain the notes properly by students.
- Student can view ,update ,delete notes
- Admin can view users' details
- Admin can search user
- Email verification
- List pagination
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file
= Your mongo Atlas url
= Secret key
= http://localhost:port/
= Mail service provider (gmail)
= Your mail ID
-The seed command will create an admin user in the database
cd server
npm run seed
Notes_mgt_system is fully usable with docker, it integrate the MongoDB database, the React frontend and NodeJS/Express backend
[If you do not have docker:] (
Docker allows to deloy the app in docker containers in one line in the CLI.
in the root directory:
docker-compose up --build
It supports hot reloading for both the frontend and backend.
The App should be App :
visit client : http://localhost:3000
visit server : http://localhost:8800
Client: React, Redux, TailwindCSS
Server: Node, Express
DB: Mongo Atlas , mongoose