Laravel Segment is an opinionated, approach to integrating Segment into your Laravel application.
You can install the package via composer:
composer require slashequip/laravel-segment
You can publish the config file with:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="SlashEquip\LaravelSegment\LaravelSegmentServiceProvider"
This is the contents of the published config file, which should be located at config/segment.php
return [
'enabled' => env('SEGMENT_ENABLED', true),
* This is your Segment API write key. It can be
* found under Source > Settings > Api Keys
'write_key' => env('SEGMENT_WRITE_KEY', null),
* Should the Segment service defer all tracking
* api calls until after the response, sending
* everything using the bulk/batch api?
'defer' => env('SEGMENT_DEFER', false),
* Should the Segment service be run in safe mode.
* Safe mode will only report errors in sending
* when safe mode is off exceptions are thrown
'safe_mode' => env('SEGMENT_SAFE_MODE', true),
Your write key is the API key given to you by Segment which can be found under your PHP source settings;{your-workspace-name}/sources/{your-source-name}/settings/keys
in the Segment UI.
When we talk about a 'user' in the context of this package we mean any object that
implements the SlashEquip\LaravelSegment\Contracts\CanBeIdentifiedForSegment
the package comes with a trait (and the interface) you can attach to your default
User model;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use SlashEquip\LaravelSegment\Traits\HasSegmentIdentityByKey;
use SlashEquip\LaravelSegment\Contracts\CanBeIdentifiedForSegment;
class User extends Model implements CanBeIdentifiedForSegment
use HasSegmentIdentityByKey;
Using this trait will automagically use your users' primary key as the identifier
that is sent to Segment. Alternatively, you can implement your own instance of the
public function getSegmentIdentifier(): string;
method on your User model and not
use the trait.
If you are sending Segment events in multiple places through your application and through-out a request it might make sense to globally identify a user to make it more convenient when making tracking calls.
use SlashEquip\LaravelSegment\Facades\Segment;
Segment allows you to send context with your tracking events too, you can set a global context that applies to all tracking events.
use SlashEquip\LaravelSegment\Facades\Segment;
'ip' => '',
'locale' => 'en-US',
'screen' => [
'height' => 1080,
'width' => 1920,
Laravel Segment ships with a middleware that you can apply in your HTTP Kernal that will handle the setting of the global user and some sensible global context too. It should be simple to extend this middleware and adjust for your needs if you want to add to the default context provided.
'api' => [
// ... other middleware
use SlashEquip\LaravelSegment\Facades\Segment;
Segment::forUser($user)->track('User Signed Up', [
'source' => 'Product Hunt',
// If you have set a global user you can
// use the simpler provided syntax.
Segment::track('User Signed Up', [
'source' => 'Product Hunt',
use SlashEquip\LaravelSegment\Facades\Segment;
'last_logged_in' => '2021-03-24 20:05:30',
'latest_subscription_amount' => '$24.60',
// If you have set a global user you can
// use the simpler provided syntax.
'last_logged_in' => '2021-03-24 20:05:30',
'latest_subscription_amount' => '$24.60',
This package includes an out-of-the-box notification channel, to allow you to use Laravel's built-in notification feature. To send Segment events to users as notifications, generate your notification as normal;
php artisan make:notification UserSubscribed
You must ensure your notification implements the CanNotifyViaSegment
interface, and add the required toSegment
method. Then you can configure the via
method to include the SegmentChannel
You can then adjust the toSegment
method to return the event you'd like.
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notification;
use SlashEquip\LaravelSegment\Contracts\CanBeIdentifiedForSegment;
use SlashEquip\LaravelSegment\Contracts\CanBeSentToSegment;
use SlashEquip\LaravelSegment\Contracts\CanNotifyViaSegment;
use SlashEquip\LaravelSegment\Notifications\SegmentChannel;
use SlashEquip\LaravelSegment\SimpleSegmentEvent;
class UserSubscribed extends Notification implements CanNotifyViaSegment
public function __construct(
) {
public function via(object $notifiable): array
return [SegmentChannel::class];
public function toSegment(CanBeIdentifiedForSegment $notifiable): CanBeSentToSegment
return new SimpleSegmentEvent(
'User Subscribed',
'plan' => 'basic',
'team_name' => 'Funky chickens',
When you start to fire many events in your application, even 2-3 per request it can be hyper-beneficial to turn on deferring (see config). When deferring is enabled, the service will store all of your tracking events triggered through-out the request or process and then send them in batch after your application has responded to your user. This happens during the Laravel termination.
By default, safe-mode is turned on. When safe-mode is active it will swallow any exceptions thrown when making the HTTP request to Segmenta and report them automatically to the exception handler, allow your app to continue running. When disabled then the exception will be thrown.
Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.