git init <-- initialize empty repository
git add . <-- Add your Project (or new added files) to your Repository
git commit -m "commit message" <-- commit your changes
git remote add origin <-- add your github url
git pull origin master <-- merge your project from github to you local repository of your computer
git push origin master <-- upload your changes to github ###############################################################################
git checkout -b branchname <-- New Branch
git push origin branchname <-- Push the branch on github
git branch <-- You can see all created branches
git remote add remotename <-- add a remote to your branch
git push origin remotename <-- Push changes from your commit into your branch
git fetch remotename <-- Update your branch when the original branch has been updated
git merge remotename <-- Then you need to apply to merge changes
git branch -d branchname <-- Delete a branch on your local filesystem
git branch -D branchname <-- To force the deletion of local branch on your filesystem
git push origin branchname <-- Delete the branch on github ###############################################################################
git pull origin master
git merge branchname
git add .
git commit -m "commit message"
git push origin master ###############################################################################
for example: @slim80 don't hate me for this :-)
git remote add slim80
git fetch slim80
now you have added the other repository to you repository (no one can see that)
now go to the repository that you have fetched and click on any commit you want to cherrypick
in top right of the page you see a long line of numbers. this is the commit
copy the first 8 numbers and type following for example:
git cherry-pick 12345678 <-- this is the cherrypick
[git cherry-pick] <-- this is the cherrypick command [12345678] <--this is the commit
git push origin master <-- upload your cherrypicked commit to your repository ###############################################################################
git revert 12345678 <-- revert a commit of your repository