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For provisioning new Ansible Hosts. Created mostly for myself in order to set up LinuxAcademy cloud servers with public keys from multiple computers for easy accessibility.

End result is one or more Ansible Managed hosts, ready for you to run ansible commands against & SSH into using a previously generated SSH keypair.

How to run

TLDR; Run this playbook by supplying the username to connect as and (optionally) supplying the inventory to use. Put any public keys you want in the pubkeys folder. For example:

ansible-playbook site.yml -u username -i inventory --ask-pass --ask-become-pass

Here are step-by step instructions for absolute ansible beginners (assuming you're running this on Ubuntu Linux):

  1. Install git:
    • sudo apt update && sudo apt install git -y
  2. Install python3 and ansible:
    • sudo apt install software-properties-common
    • sudo apt-add-repository --yes --update ppa:ansible/ansible
    • sudo apt install ansible
  3. Create a ssh keypair:
    • ssh-keygen (accept all defaults)
      • The path to the generated public key will be in ~/.ssh/
      • Copy this file to the pubkey directory.
  4. Clone the repository. This will create a directory called Ansible-Provision in your current directory.
    • git clone
  5. Go into the Ansible-Provision directory
    • cd Ansible-Provision
  6. Create an ansible.cfg file:
inventory = inventory
remote_user = ansible_user
private_key_file = ~/.ssh/id_rsa
ansible_managed = "!!! MANAGED BY ANSIBLE DO NOT TOUCH !!!"

become = True
become_method = sudo
become_user = root
become_ask_pass = False
  1. Create an inventory file, and fill it in with the IP Addresses or hostnames of the linux hosts you'd like to become ansible managed hosts:
  1. You're set, run the following command, supplying the username and entering the password when prompted:
    • ansible-playbook site.yml -u yourusernamehere --ask-pass --ask-become-pass
    • NOTE: The username must be either root or a user with sudo privileges!


Variables can be specified in the provision/vars/main.yml file in the following format, you can see an example in provision/defaults/main.yml:

user: ansible_user
pubkeys: "pubkeys/*.pub"


sshpass application is required.

  • Ubuntu: apt install sshpass
  • CentOS: yum install sshpass
  • Arch: pacman -S sshpass


  • Some minor cleanup (too many group_vars files)
  • Apply best practices:
    • Applied best practices, works perfectly
  • Add support for various package managers / distros (currently only supporting yum / CentOS)
    • Support for Ubuntu added (Tested with 16.04, 18.04, 19.04)
    • Support for CentOS6 added (epel repository needs to be added for Python3)
    • Works on CentOS8 without issues
    • Support for RHEL added
  • Disable Root Login Added via new j2 template - task completed
  • Disallow password login Added via new j2 template - task completed
  • Default pubkeys won't exist and will need to be overriden. Find a way so the role does not need to be modified
    • Added feature where you can dump public keys into new pubkeys folder, they will be picked up automatically and added to all hosts within a group
  • Inventory doesn't need to be specified in the readme, already in ansible.cfg
  • Find different method of separating Distribution / Package Managers, current one is very suboptimal
  • Get rid of stderr when running raw commands at the beginning
  • Change python Interpreter to python3 after starting playbook
    • Not sure if good idea...
  • Add script file that you can run quickly
    • Done, configured for LinuxAcademy cloud_user by default


For provisioning new Ansible Hosts







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