- Project Overview
- Features
- Getting Started
- Usage
- Project Structure
- Contributing
- License
- Acknowledgements
- Contact
This project implements a two-pass assembler for a hypothetical assembly language. The assembler translates assembly language source code into machine code, performing lexical analysis, syntax analysis, and code generation in two passes.
- Two-Pass Processing: Ensures accurate resolution of symbols and addresses.
- Error Handling: Detects and reports syntax and semantic errors.
- Memory and Symbol Management: Efficient handling of labels and memory.
- Output Files: Generates machine code, extern labels usage, entry labels definitions, macro-extended file
- GCC (GNU Compiler Collection)
- Make (build automation)
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/Tal45/Assembler-C-Project.git cd Assembler-C-Project
Compile the assembler:
To assemble a source file, run the following command for '.as' source files:
./assembler source1 source2 source3 ...
The assembler expects the source file to be in a specific format. Below are the details of the expected input:
The assembler supports 8 registers:
- r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7
- mov: (Move data)
- cmp: (Compare)
- add: (Addition)
- sub: (Subtraction)
- lea: (Load effective address)
- clr: (Clear register)
- inc: (Increment)
- dec: (Decrement)
- jmp: (Jump)
- bne: (Branch if not equal)
- red: (Read input)
- prn: (Print)
- jsr: (Jump to subroutine)
- rts: (Return from subroutine)
- stop: (Stop execution)
- Immediate: # (e.g., mov #5, r1)
- Direct: (e.g., mov label, r1)
- Register Direct: r<register_number> (e.g., mov r2, r1)
- Register Indirect: *r<register_number> (e.g., mov *r3, r1)
- Data Definition:
.data <value1>, <value2>, ...
- Example:
.data 10, 20, -30
- String Definition:
.string "<text>"
- Example:
.string "hello"
- Entry Definition:
.entry <label>
- Example:
.entry LOOP
- Extern Definition:
.extern <label>
- Example:
.extern GLOBAL
- Addressable memory: 0 to 4095 (decimal).
- Each instruction is encoded into 15 bits:
- Bits 14-11: Opcode.
- Bits 10-7: Source operand addressing method.
- Bits 6-3: Destination operand addressing method.
- Bits 2-0: Additional flags (A, R, E).
- Labels must start with an alphabetic character and be followed by alphanumeric characters.
- Labels end with a colon (
) and can appear before an instruction or directive.- Example:
LOOP: mov r1, r2
- Example:
- Symbols must be defined before use unless declared as
- Define macros using the syntax:
macr <macro name> <command #1> <command #2> . . . endmacr
- To invoke the macro block in the code simply put the macro name
- Macro-Extended File:
- Machine Code File:
- Extern Labels:
- Entry Labels:
The project directory structure is as follows:
├── src/
│ ├── main.c
│ ├── preprocess.c
│ ├── firstpass.c
│ ├── secondpass.c
│ ├── filehandler.c
│ ├── valdation.c
│ ├── marcohandler.c
│ ├── labelhandler.c
│ └── virtualmemory.c
├── headers/
│ ├── main.h
│ ├── virtualmemory.h
│ ├── validation.h
│ ├── structs.h
│ ├── labelhandler.h
│ ├── macrohandler.h
│ ├── constants.h
│ └── filehandler.h
├── inputfiles/
│ ├──
│ └── ...
├── outputfiles/
│ ├──
│ └── ...
├── README.md
├── makefile
We are not accepting any contributions at the moment.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
- Made by Vadim Volkov and Tal Levi @ Open University as final project for C-Programming Labratory Course semester 2024b.
- Studies based on the book The C Programming Language (ANSI-C) 2nd Edition by Brian W.Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie.
For any questions or feedback, please reach out to [[email protected]] or [[email protected]].