A one-stop solution to help you ace your exam.
- During exam prep, the majority of the time of students is wasted in finding the right resource. Also, finding the resources was a huge task on the college telegram channel. Hence, we developed this web app to make the process seamless.
- A platform where people can find well-curated material in one place.
- A platform through which you can access previous year's GTU question papers.
- Tech Stack:
Fronted = HTML5, CSS3, JS, Bootstrap, Swipper.JS, JQuery, AJAX Google fonts APIs, and Netlify for hosting.
Chatbot = Python, Deep Learning, Jinja templates, Flask, NLTK Libraries, PyTorch - References: Stack Overflow, W3Schools
- Working with AJAX was a little challenging.
- Figuring out the tech stack without increasing the project's complexity was a significant task.
- One of the containers was causing overflow in the website. Debugging this issue consumed around 2 hours.
- Building the initial prototype within 36 hours entirely from scratch.
- Successfully achieving the desired targets.
- Smoother UI and complete responsiveness.
- Light and Dark Theme support.
- Deploying the chatbot model on the cloud.
The project is a Prototype. So, while accessing the netlify website, only some demo stuff will work.
eg1: Explore -> CSE AI ML -> Sem5 -> Question Papers -> Web Application Development -> Summer 2021
eg2: Explore -> CSE AI ML -> Sem5 -> Study Material -> Web Application Development -> 35 Imp questions
To try and setup the chatbot, refer to Installation.md