/* Coffee darkness meter - by V.Chan - Toronto, Canada, Oct 2021
- for testing the darkness of whole bean and ground coffee
- uses an Adafruit TSL2561 breakout board (others can be
- substituded
- an SSD1306 OLED for a display
- arduino nano
- Note: I only use the IR sensor, the LUX sensor had a narrow range
- although I left the code commented out
- To enter calibration mode: press button while powering up.
- you need a cinnamon roast (beginning of first crack) this
- taken as eegtron = 70, and an Italian roast (just end of
- 2nd crack) eegtron = 30.
- To make measurements, just press button to start 4 avg readings
- Eggtron measurements are based off calibration above
Files to install in your Arduino library:
For the TSL2561 sensor Adafruit_Sensor.h Adafruit_TSL2561_U.h
For the OLED display SSD1306Ascii.h SSD1306AsciiWire.h