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Code Challenge, Exercise Challenge, Vue 3

Rating Input Feature Challenge

Challenge Description

In this challenge you are tasked with creating a star rating input component.

The challenge will require that you work in RatingInput.vue and reference App.vue.


the Rating Input should:

  1. Accept the following props:

    • modelValue - this represents the rating the user has picked and allows the component to work with v-model
    • count - this is the total number of stars the rating should display (default is 5)
  2. Emit the following events:

    • update:modelValue - emit when a star is clicked on. The payload is the rating (1, 2, 3, etc)
    • You should also validate the event payload to ensure that it is a number
  3. Display a button for each star based on the provided count

  4. Display solid yellow stars for stars less than or equal to the modelValue

💡 HINT: This markup is perfect for a solid yellow star: <StarIconSolid data-test="solid-star" class="solid-star" />

  1. Display outlined gray stars for stars greater than the modelValue

💡 HINT: This markup is perfect for an outlined gray star: <StarIconOutline data-test="outline-star" class="outline-star" />

  1. Support the following keyboard shortcuts when the rating wrapper is focused

    • Pressing keyboard numbers 1-9 should set the rating accordingly
    • Pressing the ArrowUp or ArrowRight key should increment the rating by 1
    • Pressing the ArrowDown or ArrowLeft key should decrement the rating by 1
  2. Apply the class perfect-rating to the rating-wrapper div when a perfect rating is selected

💡 HINT: The stars will turn orange when the perfect-rating class is applied to the rating-wrapper

By the end of the exercise you should have something that looks like this: screenshot of completed

Other Considerations

  • If you see the data-test attribute in the boilerplate don't remove it. If you remove it, your code may be invalid for the certificate.


Solution is found in cert-challenge-17






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