Contributors: WilltheWebMechanic
License: GPLv3.0+
Requires at least: 3.6
Tested up to: 4.4.1
Stable tag: 2.1.6
Tags: posts, publishing, scheduling, admin, author, automatic, blog, free, plugin
Donate Link:
Schedule posts LIKE A BOSS!! Define time slots for publishing and forget about it.
This plugin allows you to gain very precise control over when posts are published to your site.
- Allows the creation of any number of time slots for post publishing
- Admin users are able to allow or disallow publishing on any given day(s) of the week through a simple interface
- Further control is allowed by specifying dates that will be explicitly allowed (or disallowed) for publishing, thereby overriding the weekday setting - as an example, if your publishing schedule allows for publishing on Tuesday, but a major holiday falls on Tuesday and you don't want publishing to take place on that particular Tuesday, simply specify it in the easy-to-use interface.
- Any admin/editor user can publish a post 'NOW' by clicking the "publish now" link in the posts screen.
- Any admin/editor user can alter the scheduled date by using the quick-edit screen.
- Normal users (authors, etc) can alter the scheduled time/date of their posts, but the defined time slots will still be respected.
- Within your WordPress admin area, navigate to "Plugins".
- Click the "Add New" link near the top of your screen.
- Click the "Upload" link.
- Click the browse button and navigate to wherever you downloaded the zip file to, select the zip file
- Click the "Install Now" button
- Click "Activate Plugin"
- Extract the zip file
- Upload (ftp) the resulting
folder to your/wp-content/plugins/
directory. - Activate "Automatic Post Publishing Scheduler" through the "Plugins" menu in WordPress
- Once activated, your admin menu will have an item labeld "WtWM Plugins", that item has a submenu item called "Scheduler", this is where you can configure your settings.
- Rejoice in how amazingly awesome your posts can now be scheduled.
The most obvious way is to donate. However, there are many other ways that you can contribute.
- By simply rating this plugin you provide me valuable feedback on what is important to the users of this plugin.
- If you find a bug, report it in the support forums.
- If you would like to see more features, let me know.
- Can you provide artwork for the banner or other assets? Please do - I'll put your name in pixels and will be forever grateful.
- Are you a developer and would like to contribute code to this plugin? Find me on github and send a pull request (which will also result in your name in pixels).
- Tweet about this plugin, write about it on your blog.
- Any of the above actions are truly and greatly appreciated!
###1. The admin menu item that this plugin creates and the links to the plugin settings/configuration.###
###2. Time slot configuration - simple!.###
###3. Configuration of allowed/disallowed days of the week.###
###4. Configuration of explicitly allowed/disallowed dates.###
###5. The datepicker implementation.###
###6. The 'Publish Now' link - available only to Admin users.###
###7. The "Quick Edit" interface. Admin users can override scheduled time/date here.###
- Second attempt at getting post_date_gmt right
- Better handling of WordPress timezone settings
- Add handling for XML-RPC requests
- Tested against WordPress 4.4
- Cleaned up some PHP notices
- updated external assets
- Removed some spammy links
- Tested with WordPress 4.3 RC2
- PHP array index checking added where it didn't exist before
- Brought external assets (jQuery UI CSS) up to date
- Bug fix - Post by users with the role of "Contributor" were bypasssing the review process and going directly to the schedule queue. Fixed. Thanks to @Dreamerspodcast for the bug report!
- New Feature - admin users can allow editors/admins to override automatic scheduling
- Minor bug fix
- Minor UI improvements
- You spoke, I listened! New feature added. This plugin will now auto-schedule posts that are created with the "Automatic Featured Image Posts" plugin.
- Much progress made towards making this plugin translation friendly
- Minor code optimizations
- Bug Fix included/excluded dates input should now be working.
- Version 2.0 is a major re-do of this plugin, inspired by my recent attendace of WordCamp Miami. Huge shouts to all the people there who inspired me and inspired the re-write of this plugin.
- Premium features are now FREE!!
- minor changes and improvements in efficiency
- Just fixing a typo. Thanks Joseph the random passer-by.
- Now with actual php file goodness.
- Initial Public Release
- At this time, even though duplicate time slots are allowed, they are not working. For best results, avoid duplicating time slots.
- Improvements to UI
- Code optimization and constant improvement
- More features
- Allow custom post types to be assigned to the schedule
- Display upcoming time slots in the post editor and allow post authors to select their time slot
- Make the plugin internationalization friendly
- Use local date/time format settings when outputting dates/times
- User customization of the pop-up message that is displayed when a post is scheduled.
- Your feature request here.
- Your name could be here make a contribution today! (see the FAQ for suggestions of how you can help with the development)