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define crawler with backend as queue storage
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ashfame committed Nov 27, 2024
1 parent 9a87303 commit ccab5ae
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Showing 2 changed files with 272 additions and 1 deletion.
12 changes: 11 additions & 1 deletion .eslintrc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,5 +22,15 @@
"no-console": [
"overrides": [
"files": [
"rules": {
"react/no-is-mounted": "off"
261 changes: 261 additions & 0 deletions src/crawler/crawler.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
import { CommandTypes, sendCommandToContent } from '@/bus/Command';

interface CrawlerState {
isActive: boolean;
nextProcessTime: number;
rateLimit: number;

interface QueueUrlsResponse {
accepted: number;
rejected: number;
queueSize: number;
crawledCount: number;

interface NextUrlResponse {
url: string;

interface QueueUrlsRequest {
urls: string[];
sourceUrl: string;

class Crawler {

Check failure on line 25 in src/crawler/crawler.ts

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / lint

'Crawler' is defined but never used
private readonly state: CrawlerState;
private process: ( html: string ) => Promise< void >;

constructor() {
this.state = {
isActive: false,
nextProcessTime: 0,
rateLimit: 1.0, // pages per sec; 1.0 means 1000ms delay between delays
// Initialize with empty process function
this.process = async () => {};

private log( level: 'log' | 'warn' | 'error', ...args: any[] ): void {
console[ level ]( ...args );

// Allow setting the process function
public setProcessFunction(
processFn: ( html: string ) => Promise< void >
): void {
this.process = processFn;

public async start(): Promise< void > {
if ( this.state.isActive ) {
this.log( 'log', 'Crawler already running' );

this.state.isActive = true;
this.log( 'log', 'Crawler started' );

while ( this.state.isActive ) {
const next = await this.getNextUrl();
if ( next ) {
await this.processUrl( next );
} else {
this.state.isActive = false;
this.log( 'log', 'Crawler finished' );

private async processUrl( url: string ): Promise< void > {
this.log( 'log', 'processing url', url );
try {
// Wait until we're allowed to process the next URL
await this.waitForRateLimit();

await this.navigateToUrl( url );

// @TODO: Get the HTML content via bus?
const html = document.documentElement.outerHTML;

// Process the page content
await this.process( html );

// Extract and queue new URLs
const links = this.extractLinks( html );
await this.queueUrls( links, url );
} catch ( error ) {
this.log( 'error', 'Error processing URL', url, error );
this.state.isActive = false;

private async waitForRateLimit(): Promise< void > {
const now =;
const delayMs = 1000 / this.state.rateLimit; // Convert rate limit to milliseconds between requests

if ( now < this.state.nextProcessTime ) {
await new Promise( ( resolve ) =>
setTimeout( resolve, this.state.nextProcessTime - now )

// Calculate next allowed process time using the delay
this.state.nextProcessTime = now + delayMs;

private extractLinks( htmlString: string ): string[] {
// Create a DOM parser instance
const parser = new DOMParser();

// Parse the HTML string into a document
const doc = parser.parseFromString( htmlString, 'text/html' );

// Find all anchor tags
const linkElements = doc.querySelectorAll( 'a' );

// Convert NodeList to Array and extract link data
const links = Array.from( linkElements ).map( ( link ) => {
// Get the href attribute
const href = link.getAttribute( 'href' );

// Skip if no href, or it's a javascript: link or anchor link
if (
! href ||
href.startsWith( 'javascript:' ) ||
href.startsWith( '#' )
) {
return null;

// Try to resolve relative URLs to absolute
let absoluteUrl;
try {
absoluteUrl = new URL( href, window.location.origin ).href;
} catch ( e ) {
// If URL parsing fails, use the original href
absoluteUrl = href;

const isExternal = link.hostname !== window.location.hostname;
if ( isExternal ) {
return null;

return absoluteUrl;
} );

// Filter out null values and return unique links
return links
.filter( ( link ) => link !== null )
( link, index, self ) =>
index === self.findIndex( ( l ) => l === link )

private async queueUrls(
urls: string[],
sourceUrl: string,
retryCount = 0,
maxRetries = 5
): Promise< QueueUrlsResponse > {
const request: QueueUrlsRequest = {

const response = await fetch( '/crawl-api/queue-urls', {
method: 'POST',
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
body: JSON.stringify( request ),
} );

if ( ! response.ok ) {
`Attempt ${
retryCount + 1
}/${ maxRetries } failed: HTTP error! status: ${

if ( retryCount >= maxRetries - 1 ) {
return Promise.reject(
new Error(
`Failed to queue URLs after ${ maxRetries } attempts`

// Wait before retrying
await this.sleep();

// Recursive call
return this.queueUrls( urls, sourceUrl, retryCount++, maxRetries );

return response.json();

private async sleep( ms: number = 1000 ): Promise< void > {
return new Promise( ( resolve ) => setTimeout( resolve, ms ) );

private async getNextUrl(
retryCount = 0,
maxRetries = 5
): Promise< string | null > {
const response = await fetch( '/crawl-api/next-url' );

// crawling queue is finished
if ( response.status === 204 ) {
return null;

if ( ! response.ok ) {
`Attempt ${
retryCount + 1
}/${ maxRetries } failed: HTTP error! status: ${

if ( retryCount >= maxRetries - 1 ) {
return Promise.reject(
new Error(
`Failed to get next URL after ${ maxRetries } attempts`

// Wait before retrying
await this.sleep();

// Recursive call
return this.getNextUrl( retryCount++, maxRetries );

const data: NextUrlResponse = await response.json();
return data.url;

private async navigateToUrl( url: string ): Promise< void > {
void sendCommandToContent( {
type: CommandTypes.NavigateTo,
payload: { url },
} );

public stop(): void {
this.state.isActive = false;

public updateRateLimit( newLimit: number ): void {
// only allow between 0.1 and 10 pages per second - no reason for this limit; feel free to change
this.state.rateLimit = Math.max( 0.1, Math.min( 10.0, newLimit ) );

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