I'm building a basic website that will consist of a main index page which will have links to a few recipes.
The skills I demonstrated :
Able to understand how an HTML structure worked by using tags in the correct manner most of the time
Look back at the previous lessons and apply to my code
Used the terminal to organize my files in the right directory so that they can work effectively
Started to understand how to use Git for adding, staging, and commits for my files
Made sure to check my code and resolved an issue with the way I closed the anchor tag
I organized my code so that it could be readable for others or my future self
Images used in this project are sourced from and are credited to their respective owners: https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/19344/homemade-lasagna/ | https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/24530/buttermilk-pancakes-ii/ | https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/10813/best-chocolate-chip-cookies/