Xanawatt's Cogs for Red-DiscordBot.
Name | Status/Version | Description (Click to see full status) |
Leveler | 1.0.0 | A fork of Malarne's Leveler Cog, but tweeked to use the same leveling scale as MEE6 |
Mentioner | alpha | Every @mention used that targets a role will count how many users were mentioned and dm certain users if they have an additional roleThis cog is a very much work in progress. Please report any bugs that you find. |
Quotes | 1.2.0 | Keep track of arbitrary text quotes!Allows for getting quote by index, getting a random quote, listing all quotes, and adding, editing, and deleting quotes |
Replace | 1.0.0 | Replaces a word or phrase from the last message sent in the channel with another. |
[p]repo add Xana-Cogs https://github.com/Xanawatt/Xana-Cogs/
[p]cog install Xana-Cogs <cogname>
[p]load <cogname>