This is a Pytorch implementation of the following paper:
Yang Liu, You Wu, Xiaoke Shen, Lei Xie. COVID-19 Multi-Targeted Drug Repurposing Using Few-Shot
The following packages are used.
pytorch 1.5.0
rdkit 2020.09.4
tensorboardx 2.1
torch-cluster 1.5.7
torch-geometric 1.6.1
torch-scatter 2.0.5
torch-sparse 0.6.7
torch-spline-conv 1.2.0
torchvision 0.6.0
tqdm 4.48.2
All the data files can be downloaded from here dataset_MolGNN
It contains Zinc standard agent for contextPred node and edge pretraining, Chembl for fingerprint pretraining,, and jak1/2/3, mpro, ellinger, amu for covid-19 drug repurposing fintuning.
To use it, pleases unzip, and replace "dataset" argument with the saved location accordingly.
Context prediction pretraining --output_model_file OUTPUT_MODEL_PATH_CONTEXT
This is the step1 in bash directory. It saves the result to OUTPUT_MODEL_PATH_CONTEXT to be further pretrained in step2.
Motif learning pretraining --input_model_file OUTPUT_MODEL_PATH_CONTEXT \ --output_model_file OUTPUT_MODEL_PATH_CONTEXT
This is the step2 in bash directory. It is passed with the pretrained model from step1, then does Motif learning pretraining, and saves the reult to OUTPUT_MODEL_PATH_CONTEXT
Finetuning --input_model_file OUTPUT_MODEL_PATH_MOTIF
This is the step3 in bash directory. It will fine-tune the pretrained model according to downstream task.
Saved Trained model can be found in trained_model. To reproduce our result run