A documentation website is being built for this library, you canfind it here Documentation.
Please feel free to ask me any questions in the repo discussion forum.
To see an example Platformio
project that uses this library:
To see an example of a widly-used production project that uses this library:
This is an in-progress library for easy network management.
This library requires c++17 see extras
This project supports the following boards:
- ESP8266
- ESP32
Full ESP32C3 support is still in development, please report any bugs in the issues section. Of note, this has been successfully tested on all boards except for the ESP32C3. This library fully supports M5Stack devices.
This library provides a WiFi Manager front-end on a customisable URL endpoint using a provided HTML file.
It also provides numerous key features such as:
- autodiscovery of saved networks
- saving networks to memory
- automatically creating an Access Point if connecting to a wifi network fails
- mDNS
- Async OTA
- customisable REST API
- WebSockets
And much more 😄 See the classes below.
This library implements the following classes:
- APIServer - A server that can be used to manage asynchronous REST API methods.
- has a
method for handlingPOST
requests. Can send and receive JSON. - has a built-in async-ota endpoint that is disabled by default
- has a
requests for JSON
are still in development.
- WiFiHandler - A class that can be used to manage WiFi connections.
- OTA - A basic OTA handler.
- MDNSHandler - A class that can be used to manage mDNS services.
- Config - A class that can be used to manage configuration files.
- StateManager - A class that can be used to manage the state of your project (very easy to extend).
- Utilities - A folder that has various template files that can be used to manage various utilities.
You can install via the Platformio Registry
by navigating to the Libraries
section of Platformio
The library is called EasyNetworkManager
by ZanzyTHEbar
if you like to install the bleading edge, in your platformio.ini
file add the following:
lib_deps =
To install this library in your Arduino IDE, you must add all dependencies (sorry) and then download this repository as a zip file and it as any other library 😄.
All dependencies should be installed automatically. If not, please make a new issue and I will fix it.
support is still in beta, for now you manually have to install the dependancies listed below.
You may need to install ESP8266WiFi
if the compiler complains about it, but you shouldn't need to.
For basic usage please see the examples folder.
To use the provided wifi manager html page you don't need to do anything except for set a define
before you include the library header (for pio
users see the Extras section)
Then, build and flash the SPIFFS image as normal.
For the ArduinoIDE you will need to follow a tutorial on SPIFFS
and flash any custom html files using SPIFFS
SPIFFS tools do not work yet in the ArduinoIDE 2.0. Support is coming soon.
It is required to add a build flag to your setup for the code to function properly.
For platformio
build_flags =
-DASYNCWEBSERVER_REGEX ; add regex support to AsyncWebServer
Optionally you can enable the wifi manager and the async ota here as well:
build_flags =
-DASYNCWEBSERVER_REGEX ; add regex support to AsyncWebServer
-DUSE_WEBMANAGER ; enable wifimanager
-DUSE_ASYNCOTA ; enable async ota support
For ArduinoIDE
Create, if missing, or update the platform.local.txt
The paths are:
Windows: C:\Users\(username)\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\espxxxx\hardware\espxxxx\{version}\platform.local.txt
Linux: ~/.arduino15/packages/espxxxx/hardware/espxxxx/{version}/platform.local.txt
The text to add is:
Optionally you can enable the wifi manager here as well:
compiler.cpp.extra_flags=-DASYNCWEBSERVER_REGEX=1 -DUSE_WEBMANAGER=1
This library is still in development, if there are any bugs please report them in the issues section.
This library is intended to be modified and extended. If you find any bugs, please make a new issue and I will fix it.
If you have any questions, please ask in the discussions.
To extend any of the enums please use the data/utilities/enuminheritance.hpp
To use your own custom config, simply inherit from the CustomConfigInterface
, override the save
and load
methods,and then register your config.
ConfigHandler configHandler("baseConf", MDNS_HOSTNAME);
class CustomConfig : public CustomConfigInterface {
void save() override {
this->log("Saving custom config");
void load() override {
this->log("Loading custom config");
void otherStuff() {
// do stuff
CustomConfig customConfig;
// pass our custom config to the base config so that it can use it.
To see any of the log
statements used in this library - you need to add this to your platformio.ini
build_flags =
-DASYNCWEBSERVER_REGEX # add regex support to AsyncWebServer
-DUSE_WEBMANAGER # enable wifimanager
-DCORE_DEBUG_LEVEL=4 # add debug logging in serial monitor
build_unflags = -std=gnu++11
; other build parameters
monitor_filters =
build_type = debug
lib_ldf_mode = deep
If you want to build in debug mode add this (it's not a build flag):
build_type = debug
This library is licensed under the MIT License.