IDK (I Don't Know) is a CLI that simplifies local development with ddev and lando by automatically detecting which one to use for each project. It can also recognize composer and drush commands in a similar manner.
If you are someone who uses ddev
& lando
in your day to day local development workflow and you get confused or don't remember which project you used for which, this CLI will know for you.
Note: Identifying composer
& drush
commands are very limited right now.
Install Homebrew:
Install go:
brew install go
Clone this repo in
:gh repo clone abhisekmazumdar/idk cd idk # Run go build to create the binary file go build
go install
# The above command will create the binary file in ~/go/bin
Then create an alias:
alias idk="~/go/bin/idk"
If you have never set up an alias before, follow these steps: Supercharge Your Terminal Workflow: Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Aliases in Bash and Zsh
cd path/to/a/drupal/project
# Use the newly created alias in place of ddev or lando.
idk start
# Use it the same way you would have ran composer commands.
idk composer install
# Use it the same way you would have used other commands.
idk ssh
# also, this will run ddev/lando composer install
idk install
# this will run ddev/lando drush site-install
idk site-install
# To know more about the available commands
idk --help
Each time you run idk
like the above said examples, it will show you whether it is using ddev
or lando
Its still a Work In Progress tool. I see many corner case yet to cover like flags sometimes doesn't works. If you find any other issues/bugs kindly open an issue in this repo.
Contributions are welcome! To contribute to this project, fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.