This is a Windows system tray application that freezes the mouse pointer on the screen while still enabling the mouse scroll wheel.
It was developed for a very specific use case of mine. I often read PDF files while lying down using a Windows Surface tablet. So instead of moving my hand to swipe for every page or partial page, I wanted to hold a small mouse in my hand and scroll the page using the scroll wheel. When I did that and due to the placement of the full body of the mouse in my hand, the mouse pointer would move erratically all over the screen and if the pointer went outside the main view of the PDF reader, the scroll wheel wouldn't work anymore. That was annoying.
So this app is the solution. Freeze the damn mouse pointer somewhere away from my view.
Call me a very lazy reader!
Place FreezeMouse.exe in any folder and double click on it. The app runs and you'll get a new icon in the system tray which looks like a stop sign with a mouse pointer in it.
To freeze mouse pointer movements, move the mouse pointer anywhere very close to the right horizontal bar and left mouse click. This freezes the pointer in place. To unfreeze it, left mouse click again. I do this in my PDF reader where I can scroll pages using the mouse wheel while keeping the pointer away. Scroll away!
To close the app, right click on its icon in the system tray and select Exit.