[REDACTED] is a little passion project I did during my COVID break from school. This was the first Unity game I developed which taught me a lot of important things through the whole development process. I plan to make more games and share my ideas with all of you.
Redacted was built using Unity as the core engine and Photon for multiplayer support. Most of the code is written in C#. This project was pretty hard partially due to my inexperience with Unity and Game dev as a whole. I learned a lot and plan to use everything I learn to make better and cooler games. I have a lot of ideas and cant wait to make them a reality!
[REDACTED] is a fast-paced FPS Multiplayer deathmatch game. The aim of the game is to simply be better than your opponents. Go grab a few of your friends, create a lobby, and see who is built different!
The whole reason that the game is called [REDACTED] is because a lot of key features such as animations were Redacted by a pesky virus we call 'L0GAN'. The L0GAN virus breached our codebase and simply redacted a bunch of important stuff!? The goal of [REDACTED] IS to be as scuffed as possible!
IF you would like to test out [REDACTED], feel free to check out the link below :)! https://4d1games.itch.io/redacted