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ferry (Work in Progress)


A set of utilities to manage and inspect a FoundationDB cluster.

There is experimental support for transparent export and import daata to file://, s3://, or az:// urls. az:// is a non-standard shorthand for azure blobstore urls.


Clone the repo, and run

go build

List hosts in cluster

$ ./ferry status --hosts

Quick stats on the DB

$ ./ferry stats -s 2>&1 | jq .
"M": "Total",
"size": 880916064143,
"Smallest": {
	"Begin": "zFF",
	"End": "\\xff"
"Smallest partition": 27760000,
"Biggest": {
	"Begin": "6c52c",
	"End": "6d184"
"Biggest partition": 208414113

Stats on each keyrange

$ ./ferry stats 2>&1 | jq -c '{x:.Begin,y:.End,z:.Size}'  | head -n10

List prefixes by directory tree

$ ./ferry tree 2>&1 | jq -c '{"x": .dir.FlattenedPath, "y": .dir.PrefixPrintable}' | head -n 10

Export and import static data from Azure blobstore, S3, or local files.

# Install TLS certificates and AWS/Azure credentails on all nodes
# in standard places. See 

ferry serve -v  # Run on each node

ferry export -s /path/to/local/directory/

ferry export -s s3://bucket/path/to/directory
# credentials via `aws configure`

ferry export -s az://container/path/to/directory
# credentials via environment. See help from error message


$ ./ferry -h
Set of utilities to manage data stored in FoundationDB

ferry [flags]
ferry [command]

Available Commands:
completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
export      Export all keys and values from FoundationDB
help        Help about any command
info        Print info on effective config
serve       Serve exporter grpc server
stats       Print stats about the current DB
status      Print fdb status [ DO NOT USE: Incomplete ]
tree        Print tree of directories

	--config string    config file (default is $HOME/.ferry.yaml)
-h, --help             help for ferry
-p, --port serve       Port to bind to (applies to serve and `export` commands
	--profile string   mem|cpu (Go performance profiling)
-q, --quiet            Quiet (logs only WARN or above)
-v, --verbose          Verbose logging

Use "ferry [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Usage (Server - Rquired on each fdb node)

After configuring the bind port (defaults to 8001) via .ferry.yaml in working-directory or home-directory, along with TLS settings, start a server on each node with

ferry serve

Usage (Client - a host with access to fdb.cluster file)

ferry export -s s3://bucket/path/to/directory

ferry export [flags]

	--collect string   Bring backup files to this host at this directory. Only applies to file:// targets
-c, --compress         Compress export files (.lz4)
-n, --dryrun           Dryrun connectivity check
-h, --help             help for export
-m, --sample           Sample - fetch only 1000 keys per range
-t, --threads int      How many threads per range

Global Flags:
	--config string      config file (default is $HOME/.ferry.yaml)
-p, --port serve         Port to bind to (applies to serve and `export` commands
	--profile string     mem|cpu (Go performance profiling)
-s, --store-url string   Source/target for export/import/manage (default "/tmp/")
-v, --verbose            Verbose logging

Export format

Export format, in oversimplied term is a length-prefixed binary dump of the form

[[ length ] [ key-bytes ] [ value-bytes ]] . . . .

length = 4 bytes in little-endian format.
Once read as an Unsigned Int 32, split them as follows

higher 14 bits is key length
lower 18 bits is value length
both considered enough for FDB limits

Psuedo code below
key-length = length >> 18 & ((1 << 14) - 1)
value-length = length & (1 << 18) - 1

We may look at flatbuffer for output format, but that depends on subsequent usage needs

Distributed Setup (Optional)

ferry arch diagram


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