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Terraform Provider for Akuity Platform


With this provider you can manage Argo CD instances and clusters on Akuity Platform.


Typical use case

Add a new cluster test-cluster to the existing Argo CD instance manualy-created and install the agent to the configured cluster.

  1. Create an API key for your organization
    • Use Admin role for the key
  2. Configure Environment variables
export AKUITY_API_KEY_ID=<key-id>
export AKUITY_API_KEY_SECRET=<key-secret>
  1. Use this or similar configuration:
terraform {
  required_providers {
    akp = {
      source = "akuity/akp"
      version = "~> 0.7.0"

provider "akp" {
  org_name = "<organization-name>"

resource "akp_instance" "argocd" {
   name = "argocd"
   argocd = {
      "spec" = {
         "instance_spec" = {
            "declarative_management_enabled" = true
         "version" = "v2.11.4"

resource "akp_cluster" "example" {
   instance_id =
   kube_config = {
      "config_path" = "test.kubeconfig"
   name      = "test-cluster"
   namespace = "test"
   spec = {
      data = {
         size = "small"

See more examples in here.
