Chessboard.js is a lightweight and versatile NPM package that lets you easily integrate an interactive, customizable chessboard into your web applications. Use it for game displays, chess lessons, analysis tools, or any project that needs a visual chess interface.
Chessboard.js is designed with simplicity and flexibility in mind. Configure board appearance, piece sets, orientation, highlighting, animations, and more through a rich API. The board updates dynamically with user interactions and programmatic moves.
npm i @alepot55/chessboardjs
Import and initialize the chessboard into your project:
import Chessboard from 'chessboardjs';
const config = {
id: 'board', // HTML element id for the board
piecesPath: 'path/to/pieces', // Path or object/function returning piece image paths
position: 'start', // Valid FEN string or predefined position ('start' for initial setup)
size: 400, // Board size in pixels or 'auto'
orientation: 'w', // Board orientation: 'w' for white at bottom, 'b' for black at bottom
draggable: true, // Enable drag and drop for pieces
clickable: true, // Allow clickable moves and interactions
onlyLegalMoves: true, // Restrict piece moves to legal moves only
onMove: (move) => { // Callback when a move is attempted
console.log('Move attempted:', move);
return true; // Accept the move
onMoveEnd: (move) => {
console.log('Move executed:', move);
// ...other configuration options...
const board = new Chessboard(config);
Configuration is done by passing an object to the constructor. Below is an example with the main attributes and a brief description:
const config = {
id: 'board', // ID of the HTML element where the chessboard is rendered
piecesPath: 'path/to/pieces', // Path (or function) to retrieve piece images
position: 'start', // Initial position ('start' for standard setup or a FEN string)
size: 400, // Chessboard size (pixels number or 'auto')
orientation: 'w', // Board orientation: 'w' (white at the bottom) or 'b' (black at the bottom)
draggable: true, // Enable dragging of pieces
clickable: true, // Enable piece selection via click
onlyLegalMoves: true, // Allow only legal moves
moveAnimation: 'ease', // Transition function for move animations (e.g., 'ease', 'linear')
moveTime: 'fast', // Duration for move animation ('fast', 'normal', 'slow', etc.)
snapbackAnimation: 'ease', // Transition function for snapback animation (when an invalid move occurs)
snapbackTime: 'fast', // Duration for snapback animation
fadeAnimation: 'ease', // Transition function for fade animations
fadeTime: 'fast', // Duration for fade animation
whiteSquare: '#f0d9b5', // Color of white squares
blackSquare: '#b58863', // Color of black squares
highlight: 'yellow', // Color used to highlight moves
selectedSquareWhite: '#ababaa',// Highlight color for selected white squares
selectedSquareBlack: '#ababaa',// Highlight color for selected black squares
movedSquareWhite: '#f1f1a0', // Color to indicate moved white squares
movedSquareBlack: '#e9e981', // Color to indicate moved black squares
choiceSquare: 'white', // Color used to indicate square selection
coverSquare: 'black', // Color used to cover squares during certain interactions
hintColor: '#ababaa', // Color for move hints
// Optional event callbacks:
onMove: (move) => { // Called when a move is attempted
console.log('Move attempted:', move);
return true;
onMoveEnd: (move) => { // Called when a move is completed
console.log('Move executed:', move);
// ...other callbacks and options...
// Usage:
const board = new Chessboard(config);
- new Chessboard(config)
- Initializes a new chessboard using the provided configuration object.
move(move, animation)
- Moves a piece from one square to another.
- Example:
board.move('e2e4', true);
- Clears the board of all pieces.
- Example:
insert(square, piece)
- Inserts a piece on a given square.
- Example:
board.insert('d4', 'qw');
- Returns the identifier of the piece at the given square.
- Example:
const pieceId = board.get('e4'); console.log('Piece at e4:', pieceId);
position(position, color)
- Updates the board position. Optionally, flips orientation if a color parameter is provided.
- Example:
board.position('rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1');
- Flips the board orientation between white and black.
- Example:
- Rebuilds or initializes the board and its elements.
- Example:;
- Dynamically resizes the board. Accepts a number (pixels) or 'auto'.
- Example:
- Destroys the board, removes all event listeners, and cleans up the DOM.
- Example:
- Returns the piece identifier at the specified square.
- Example:
const currentPiece = board.piece('f6');
highlight(square) and dehighlight(square)
- Highlights or removes highlight from a given square.
- Example:
board.highlight('e4'); board.dehighlight('e4');
turn() and fen()
returns the color whose turn it is ('w' or 'b').fen()
returns the current board state in FEN notation.- Example:
console.log('Current turn:', board.turn()); console.log('FEN:', board.fen());
For further details, refer to the full API documentation at the project website or within the source code.
This document details the functions available to users for interacting with the Chessboard.js instance and the underlying Chess.js game. The functions are grouped by purpose and presented in a logical order.
Initializes (or rebuilds) the board and its elements.;
clear(options = {}, animation = true)
Clears the board of all pieces and updates the display.
reset(animation = true)
Resets the game to the starting position.
Returns the current board orientation.
Example:console.log("Orientation:", board.getOrientation());
setOrientation(color, animation = true)
Sets the board’s orientation. If an invalid color is passed, it flips the board.
Example:try { board.setOrientation('w'); } catch (e) { console.error(e.message); }
flip(animation = true)
Flips the board orientation (updates pieces and clears highlights).
Returns an ASCII diagram representing the current position.
Returns the current board as a 2D array.
Retrieves the FEN string for the current board state.
Example:console.log("FEN:", board.fen());
Returns the piece on the specified square.
Example:const piece = board.get('e4'); console.log("Piece at e4:", piece);
Returns the castling rights for the given color.
Example:console.log("Castling rights for white:", board.getCastlingRights('w'));
getComment() and getComments()
Retrieves a single comment or all comments attached to positions.
Example:console.log("Comment:", board.getComment());
history(options = {})
Returns the moves history, optionally verbose.
Example:console.log("History:", board.history({ verbose: true }));
Returns the last move made.
Example:console.log("Last move:", board.lastMove());
Returns the current move number.
Example:console.log("Move number:", board.moveNumber());
moves(options = {})
Provides a list of legal moves.
Example:console.log("Legal moves:", board.moves());
pgn(options = {})
Returns the game in PGN format.
Example:console.log("PGN:", board.pgn());
Returns the color (light or dark) of the specified square.
Example:console.log("Square e4 is:", board.squareColor('e4'));
Indicates which side's turn it is ('w' or 'b').
Example:console.log("Turn:", board.turn());
Checks if the current position is checkmate.
Example:if (board.isCheckmate()) console.log("Checkmate!");
Checks if the game is drawn. -
Each returns a Boolean indicating the respective state.
Example:if (board.isGameOver()) console.log("Game over!");
load(fen, options = {}, animation = true)
Loads a new position from a FEN string.
loadPgn(pgn, options = {}, animation = true)
Loads a game using a PGN string.
put(pieceId, squareId, animation = true)
Places a piece on the board.
Example:board.put('pw', 'd4');
remove(squareId, animation = true)
Removes the piece from the given square.
Example:const removed = board.remove('d4'); console.log("Removed:", removed);
removeComment(), removeComments(), removeHeader(field)
Remove comments or PGN headers from the game.
setCastlingRights(color, rights)
Sets castling rights for a specified color.
Example:board.setCastlingRights('w', { k: false, q: true });
setComment(comment) and setHeader(key, value)
Attach a comment to the current position or set a PGN header.
Example:board.setComment("King's pawn opening"); board.setHeader('White', 'PlayerOne');
- undo()
Reverts the last move played.
Example:const undone = board.undo(); if (undone) console.log("Move undone:", undone);
- validateFen(fen)
Validates a given FEN string.
Example:const result = board.validateFen('rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1'); console.log("FEN valid?", result.ok);
This documentation groups the API functions by their purpose. Developers can mix these methods to query the game state, update the board, load new positions, and more.