Health monitoring for beacon and execution (eth1) nodes.
- Doesn't rely on any third-party services. Connects only to the specified node.
- Works with both beacon and execution chains.
- Can be easily integrated with a load balancer.
- Exposes metrics for Prometheus.
- Can connect to the Engine RPC execution endpoint with JWT-based security.
- Optional TLS encryption for beacon nodes.
Returns HTTP 200 when the node is healthy. It can be used by load balancers or any other healthcheck tools.
Example healthy
> curl -i localhost:21171/ready
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Sun, 08 Jan 2023 22:23:51 GMT
Content-Length: 2
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Example not healthy
> curl -i localhost:21171/ready
HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable
Date: Sun, 08 Jan 2023 22:26:57 GMT
Content-Length: 9
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
- export the readiness status using Prometheus metrics format. It can be collected by Prometheus or other compatible clients. Example output:
# TYPE ready gauge
ready 1
Requirements: Git, Go
# get the source code
git clone
cd ethereum-healthmon
# compile the binary
go build -o healthmon cmd/healthmon/main.go
# ready
./healthmon --help
Requirements: Docker
# build a docker image with the binary
docker build --tag healthmon
# copy the binary to the local file system
docker run --rm --entrypoint "" healthmon cat /usr/bin/ethereum-healthmon > healthmon
chmod +x healthmon
# ready
./healthmon --help
./healthmon --chain=beacon --beacon.certificate=tls/ca.cert
The certificate needs to be configured on the Prysm node as well. Using it is optional but recommended if applications are running on different computers.
./healthmon --chain execution --port 8551 --execution.engine-jwt jwt.hex
We are connecting to an Engine RPC endpoint instead of a regular one on port 8545. That's why we need to provide a JWT secret file.
Run alongside Besu in a Docker container.
version: "3.7"
image: hyperledger/besu
- --rpc-http-enabled
- --rpc-http-host=
- --host-allowlist=*
- --chain=execution
- --addr=execution-node
- --http.addr=
By default, the service is listening on localhost. If you are using Docker or need any external access to its APIs (very likely), set value.
would allow access from any network, for example.
- It is possible to connect to a regular RPC or Engine RPC. Some clients have them on the same port.
is required when connecting to an Engine RPC endpoint. Make sure it is the same one you have configured for your execution node.