A Helm Chart for the Kubernetes Secrets Generator called rūnō
For a description of the project, please take a look at the controller repository.
- Kubernetes 1.19+
- Helm 3.2.0+
helm repo add runo https://helm.runo.rocks
helm search repo runo
helm install my-release runo/runo
In order to contribute please create a pull request and read the following guidelines depending on your type of change.
IMPORTANT: Because this project follows the conventional commit specification, each commit for a chart needs to include the type so that our tooling can determine the new chart version automatically (e.g. feat: this a valid commit
Parameter | Description | Default |
replicaCount |
Set the number of replicas | 1 |
image.repository |
Set the image repository | "ghcr.io/aljoshare/runo" |
image.pullPolicy |
Set the pull policy | "IfNotPresent" |
image.tag |
Set the image tag | "" |
imagePullSecrets |
Set a image pull secret | [] |
nameOverride |
Override the name | "" |
fullnameOverride |
Override the full name | "" |
serviceAccount.create |
Specifies whether a service account should be created | true |
serviceAccount.annotations |
Annotations to add to the service account | {} |
serviceAccount.name |
The name of the service account to use. | "" |
podAnnotations |
Set additional annotations for the pod | {} |
podSecurityContext |
Set the security context for the pod | {} |
securityContext |
Set the security context for the container | {} |
resources |
Set the resources | {} |
nodeSelector |
Set node selectors | {} |
tolerations |
Set node tolerations | [] |
affinity |
Set pod (anti-)affinities | {} |
args.dryRun |
Specify whether runo should run in dry-run mode | false |
args.httpPort |
Set the port for the http endpoint (e.g. health, metrics, etc.) | 8080 |
args.requeueDuration |
Set the requeue duration of runo (How long it should wait between reconciliation loops) | 300 |
Documentation generated by Frigate.