Python (v 3.7.4, 32-bit) implementation of NMF based Ensembles for Extractive Single Document Summarization.
Author: Alka Khurana
Acknowledgement: Vasudha Bhatnagar
- Clone the repository.
- Put all the documents to be summarized in 'Documents' folder.
- In all .py file change the current directory path to the path in your system where the repository is cloned.
- Run ''
- Run '' for generating summaries coressponding to different combining methods and different ensemble size.
- Run '' for generating the base model summaries and ensemble summaries.
- Run '' and '' for generating summaries by varying the number of latent topics into which the document is decomposed.
- '' and '' are helper files.
- System (algorithmic) summaries are stored in 'Summaries' folder.
- Evaluate the performance of summaries using ROUGE toolkit.