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alxspiker edited this page Feb 24, 2024 · 1 revision

AuthResult Object

This document outlines the structure of the PaymentDTO object returned by Pi Network API calls related to payments.

Data Structure

type AuthResult = {
  accessToken: string,
  user: {
    uid: string,
    username: string

PaymentDTO Object

This document outlines the structure of the PaymentDTO object returned by Pi Network API calls related to payments.

Data Structure

type PaymentDTO = {
  // Payment data:
  "identifier": string, // The unique payment identifier
  "Pioneer_uid": string, // The Pioneer's app-specific ID
  "amount": number, // The payment amount
  "memo": string, // A developer-provided string, shown to the Pioneer
  "metadata": Object, // An object for developer-specific data
  "to_address": string, // The recipient's blockchain address
  "created_at": string, // Timestamp of payment creation

  // Status flags:
  "status": {
    "developer_approved": boolean, // Server-side approval status
    "transaction_verified": boolean, // Blockchain transaction verification status
    "developer_completed": boolean, // Server-side completion status
    "canceled": boolean, // Canceled by the developer or Pi Network
    "Pioneer_cancelled": boolean, // Canceled by the Pioneer

  // Blockchain transaction data (populated if a transaction exists):
  "transaction": null | { 
    "txid": string, // The blockchain transaction ID
    "verified": boolean, // True if the transaction matches the payment
    "_link": string, // A link to the operation on the Blockchain API

UserDTO Object

This document defines the structure of the UserDTO object returned by Pi Network API endpoints that provide Pioneer information.

Data Structure

type UserDTO = {
  "uid": string, // A unique, app-specific identifier for the Pioneer.
  "username": string, // The Pioneer's Pi Network username (requires the 'username' scope).