A Haskell tour of the Universal Composability cryptography framework.
Universal Composability a general purpose framework for constructing, specifying, and analyzing cryptography protocols.
This project provides a concrete implementation of the framework, as a way of clarifying the ambiguous parts, experimenting with variations and extensions, and sanity-checking specifications, protocols, and simulator constructions.
Comparison with ILC-SaUCy: The type system here provides only a partial checking. On the other hand, the tools and practicality of Haskell make this a convenient way to sanity check.
SaUCy is a research program that aims to use Universal Composability as the basis for software development tools. Goals of this include providing mechanically checkable proofs.
InteractiveTuringMachines.hs Defines the process model for interactive turing machines.
A subset of the constraints of ILC are enforced by the type system here
Defines the UC execution experiment.
The environment chooses a session ID, along with the list of parties to corrupt. Byzantine corruptions, since Adversary gets to send/receive all messages on behalf of the corrupted parties. Multiple parties with distinct PIDs are created on demand.
Composition operator: connects the Protocol-to-Functionality (
) channel ofpi
to Environment-to-Protocol ((z2p,p2z)
) channel ofpi
Theorem: Composition preserves secure emulation (pi,F2) ~ (idealProtocol, F3) (rho,F1) ~ (idealProtocol, F2) ------------------------------------ (pi o rho, F1) ~ (idealProtocol, F3)Theorem: Dummy Lemma - it's sufficient to prove against the dummy adversary each time
Functionality: fCom, fRO Protocol: protCom
Theorem: Commitment is realizable in the RO hybrid model fRO -> fCom
Theorem: Commitment is impossible in the standard model, even if the parties are allowed to communicate
TODO: fCom -> fCoinFlip
TODO: Commitment using a CRS instead of fCom
MultiPartyComputing.hs We model a reactive MPC service as an Arithmetic Black Box, that stores secret data and processes a sequence computations on that data. The sequence is comitted in a public log, the functionality ensures that it only leaks what's explicitly disclosed. We show how to use Beaver multiplication to extend a base MPC primitive (with just linear operations) to one with a MULT opcode.
Functionality: fMPC, fABB
Theorem: fMPC_sansMult -> fMPC -> fArithmeticBlackBox
Multisession.hs Composition operator: The
operator (!F) creates multiple instances of a functionality, each accessed by a sub-session idTheorem: Joint State composition !F -> !!F
Authenticated Map. Optionally leak. (still TODO)
fColRes -> fAuthMap
Async.hs Composition operator: runAsyncF Composition operator: bangFAsync
[Multicast.hs] Functionality: fMulticast Protocol: protMulticast Theorem: Multicast is realizable in the !Auth model !fAuth -> fMulticast
Application: ACast.hs
Theorem: Bracha's protocol realizes fBroadcast