This project contains different decision support tools for various types of investments. These tools allow the analysis of assets based on different approaches of renowned investors:
- Download and install python
- Download and copy chromedriver If you're on Windows you can copy/paste it under 'c:/chromedriver' and add it to your environment variables
Note: The version of the chromedriver should match your browser version.
- Update 'pip':
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
- Install 'tabulate':
pip install tabulate
- Install 'Beautiful Soup':
pip install bs4
- Install 'lxml':
pip install lxml
python <ISIN>
python FR0000075442
Fundamental analysis of Groupe LDLC SA (ALLDL) :
* Change in net income:
+ 2018 2019 2020 2021 Est. 2022
--------- ---------- --------- ---------- -----------
4.721e+08 5.0749e+08 4.934e+08 7.2407e+08 775.51M
Gross margin (TTM): 17.91%
Operating margin (TTM): 8.64%
Net margin (TTM): 5.83%
Overral financial performance:
EV/EBITDA: 3.50 -> excellent
EBIT/EV: 0.26x
P/E Ratio: 5.55 -> excellent
Management effectivness:
ROA (TTM): 15.12% -> excellent
ROCE (TTM): 52.85% -> excellent
ROE (TTM): 41.55% -> excellent
Balance sheet:
Current ratio (TTM): 1.30 -> bad
The stock value of Groupe LDLC SA (ALLDL) does not meet Warren Buffet's selection criteria
Recommendation 4.00/10
-The net earnings follow an upward trend over a period of 4 years (33.88%)
-Tangible fixed assets (PPE) are reasonable: the tangible fixed assets to net income ratio is less than 2 (0.27)
-The company is in a strong position, its long-term debt to net income ratio is less than 4 (0.21)
-Capital expenditures are reasonable, they represent less than 50% of the net income (19.78%)
-The gross margin is lower than 40% (17.91%)
-The net margin is lower than 20% (5.83%)
-Selling, General and Administrative expenses represent more than 30% of the gross margin (44.54%)
-The current ratio is lower than 1.5 (1.30)
-Inventories do not move in line with profits (to be taken into account only if the products sold may become obsolete)-The company draws on it's cash
The stock value of Groupe LDLC SA (ALLDL) does not meet Chris Mayer's selection criteria
Recommendation 0.00/10
-Mayer may not consider this company as a potential 100-bagger
The stock value of Groupe LDLC SA (ALLDL) meets some of Jim Slater's selection criteria
Recommendation 6.67/10
-The annual earnings growth rate is higher than 15% (33.88%)
-The return on capital employed is higher than 20% (52.85%)
-Slater prefers smallcaps
Note: For now only french equities are supported by default. If you want to add support to other companies/countries you need to add them under equities folder.