This tool helps in finding various language translations of a osm feature from its corresponding wikidata item, given its feature ID and feature Type.
The required python dependencies are packed into reqirements.txt
. Run the following command to instlal these dependencies.
pip install requirements.txt
Note: The tool needs Python version higher than 2.6. While setting up on a Linux machine, you can use
script to install the dev version of python 2.7
This repository has two scripts that help matching OSM features to Wikidata, and get metadata like translations from Wikidata API. queries Mapbox's Dynamosm API to fetch the following properties for an OSM feature:
- wikidata - Wikidata ID of the feature.
- name
- name:en
- wikipedia - Wikipedia reference of the feature.
- geometry
- optional properties - script can return additional properties from osm, required by user.
A csv with columns osm_id, osm_type
Output is a csv file called output.csv
which is similar to input.csv, with additional properties.
The CSV has the following log information that might be useful to debug:
: Either of wikidata or wikipedia tag present for osm featureNo wikidata/wikipedia
: None of wikidata/wikipedia presentDynamosm request failure
: API to query osm failedNo OSM Id/ Type
: Either of osm_id or osm_type not present in input
python name:zh name:es postal_code population
queries wikipedia API to fetch wikidata ID for those items which don't have osm:wikidata
. Then it queries wikidata API to fetch required language translations.
A csv with columns osm:wikidata, osm:wikipdia, osm:geometry
Output is a csv file called finalOutput.csv
in which it appends the following columns to the input file: wiki:wikidata wiki:Distance wiki:label:languageCodes wiki:logs
This represents distance in kilo meterts between osm feature and corresponding wikidata item which can be used to validate the match. Higher distance indicates a potential descripency.
Each of these contain the translations for corresponding language code
languageCode Present
: Translation for this language code present in wikidataNo languageCode label
: Translation for this language code not present in wikidataWiki API Error
: API to query wikidata failedNo wikidata
: None ofosm:wikidata
presentWikipedia error
: API to query wikipedia failedNo wikidata / wikipedia
: None of osm:wikidata or osm:wikipedia present
python zh zh-hans