Arduino sources for Libelium's radiation-sensor shield + RTC.
Records remaining before
Clicks during EEPROM exhausted since boot
the last 10secs─────┐ ┌─────(counting down from 146)
┌───┴──┐ ┌──┴──┐
║C10S=6 Rec=55 ║
║CPM5=78 T=1045 ║
└───┬──┘ └──┬──┘
MaxCPM based on─────┘ └─────Secs remaining to write
5 conjecutive clicks the next record
for the last 10 sec
(reflected on Led-bar)
LCD when record is OFF:
║C10S=12 Rec=_ ║
║CPM5=313 ║
- Sheild product page and documentation
- Another source-code on the same shield.