Graceful Gallop (pre-Apache Release)
CHANGES in 0.8b:
- Fixed a bug where single-email topics in treeview mode would not display
- Hitting the escape key will now properly close threads in treeview mode
- Fixed an issue where threads were sometimes sorted the wrong way, time-wise
- UI shortcut improvements for high resolution users
- Added additional keyboard shortcuts and a help menu (H key to open)
- Very long emails can now be replied to via own MUA (albeit truncated)
- Internal httpd auth is now supported (for use with CAS etc)
- Fixed a bug where the in-reply-to data was garbled internally
- Various fixups in the URL recognition routine
- HTML-only emails can now be parsed (as markdown) by the archiver
- Fixed an issue where --altheader was not respected properly if list-id was supplied
- Fixed an issue where emails were not inserted into threads in the correct order
- Users can now associate secondary email addresses with their account