This project is currently unusuable due to breaking changes in IBM's API. Updates and revisions to this project are planned (solving this issue in addition to adding To-Do items)
This project is an interface for IBM's Watson, which is a Natural Language Processing machine. It was created to satisfy the requirements for the capstone project at Epicodus.
This project translates text in real time between eight languages. Planned and in-development features are listed below in the To-Do section.
Clone repository from GitHub, npm install
, npm build
, npm start
. Find web application in your browswer at https://localhost:3000
Connecting to IBM's Watson requires a rather detailed authentication process. Due to the authentication challenges and breaking changes to the API, I am currently considering other API options.
- Update to v3 of IBM Watson API
- Auto detect input language
- Auto populate output language fields
- Add option to translate two directionally
- Option for timer adjustment / manually enter
- Add indicator ('...') progress bar
- Improve documentation (hello!)
- Add favicon
- Prettyify server start language
- Style dropdown menus (idea:
- Add responsive design (vertical full screen box split)
- Find somewhere to incorporate goldenrod or salmon colors
- Refactor into VueJS
- Add language-switch event to retranslate into new language
- Output text to speech
- Switch ports and run in parallel?
- Double up services in same project
- Drag and drop translation
This project was created by Michael Arrington in early 2018 while finishing up a coding boot-camp (Epicodus in Portland, OR). Michael is currently working as a front-end developer at a boutique FinTech agency.
This project is distributed with a MIT License. All of IBM's code, including the Express server this project runs on top of, belongs to IBM.