MachoBins is designed to provide information on Mac lolbins, similar to or, but specifically for Mac!
I am very open to contributions, so please feel free to put in a pull request or open issues here to let me know of any Mac lolbins which aren't listed. I will do my best to respond/incorporate to legitimate suggestions. To borrow from the aforementioned projects, a legitimate contribution must:
Be an Apple-signed file, either native to the OS or downloaded from Apple. Have extra "unexpected" functionality. It is not interesting to document intended use cases - Exceptions are application whitelisting bypasses. Have functionality that would be useful to an APT or red team.
Interesting functionality can include:
Executing code Arbitrary code execution Pass-through execution of other programs (unsigned) or scripts (via a LOLBin) Compiling code File operations Persistence Credential theft Dumping process memory etc.
Thanks for your contributions!