This is my WordPress Theme assigment for
Demo URL:
- React Routing v4.
- Advance Real Time Search Result.
- Bundled everything with Webpack.
- WordPress Rest API v2.
- Dynamic Menus
- Pagination
- Mobile Responsive
I used following code libraries and packages:
- React JS - for building Components!
- React Router 4 - for smooth routing without reloding browser.
- jQuery - for http request, since bootstrap need it I used jQuery instead of axios for http call.
- Twitter Bootstrap - great UI boilerplate for modern web apps
- WordPress Rest API - for getting posts & pages.
- Webpack - module bundler
- Underscores - starter WordPress Theme
rtPanel requires WordPress Rest API Enabled.
- Download zip of this repo.
- Now install it on WordPress like normal theme.
- Make sure REST API is enabled.
- For menus to display make sure menu name is
- Also change permalink structure to
- Everything should work fine!